Jean MacCuish Waugh, the daughter of Emma and Murdock MacCuish. The family lived at Sherbrooke Cottage, the original home of Dr. Thomas McCulloch and are responsible for its restoration.
Last Will and Testament of William Fraser, Millbrook, NS, 1847
Henry MacMaster son of Duncan and Katherine Pope McMaster, Waterside, Pictou County, NS
John H McKay, born in Plainfield, Pictou County to John McKay and Barbara McLean, was the principal of River John schools and the collector of Inland Revenue, Pictou.
Mr Dan McDonald, Toney River, Pictou Co, Nova Scotia
Marriage Certificate 1903
Cabinet Card
Carte-de-Visite of unidentified woman.
W H Harris inquest
22 November 1859, page 3
Birth registration 1875
Arthur MacDonald
Maud and Grete MacDonald and family
Carte-de-Visite of unidentified man.
Ship News reported in the Mechanic & Farmer on 29 May 1839.
Marriages and Deaths recorded in the Eastern Chronicle, 26 August 1875 page 2
Vital stats printed in the Eastern Chronicle 19 April 1888 on page 3
Obituary for printed in the Pictou Advocate 2 July 1910 page 8
W H Harris