Description Jessie Ann McKenzie Fraser Album, Toney River, NS and Grays Harbour, Washington

Unidentifed woman

Same woman is also in this album file # 2020-12-03-12a and file # 2020-03-21a 

Ron Stoddard believes this image may be of Margaret "Maggie" McKenzie born 1869 at Toney River, a sister to Jessie Ann McKenzie Fraser and daughter of Donald McKenzie and Christina McDonald McKenzie.  

Margaret Barbara McKenzie born 10 June 1869 to Donald McKenzie and Christy McDonald McKenzie of Toney River.  Margaret died in 1893 and is buried with her parents in Riverbank Cemetery, Toney Mills, Pictou County, Nova Scotia.

File number: 2020-12-03-21b
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Jessie Ann McKenzie Fraser Photo Album, Ritz Photograph, Boston
Views: 353
Uploaded on: December 15, 2020
Source: Ronald Stoddard and Robert Stoddard

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