Description Robert Stiles Inquest 1859

No. 21 Held an Inquest the 6th August (1859) at Scots Hill on view of the body of Robert Stiles 

— Verdict —

That the said Robert Stiles came to his death at Scots Hill aforesaid on the 6th day of August in the year aforesaid by accidentally falling off a cart which he was drivin, while endeavouring to stop the speed of the horse attached to said cart, and when deceased fell from said cart to the ground one of the wheels of said cart passed over his head causing sundry wounds and bruises of which deceased then died

File number: 2014-01-15-21
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Harris, sheriff, death, Scotch Hill, Pictou, Pictou County, 1859
Views: 670
Uploaded on: February 21, 2017

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