| School Register, Cross Roads 1894 List of pupils | Rogers Hill students class age children enrollment enrolled grade year month day attendance Scotsburn Station student birthday West Pictou | | |
| School Register, Cross Roads 1895 List of pupils | Rogers Hill student students class age children enrollment enrolled grade year month day attendance birthday West Pictou | | |
| School Register, Cross Roads 1896 List of pupils | Hardwood Hill Rogers Hill Scotsburn Station student students class age enrollment enrolled grade year month day attendance birthday West Pictou | | |
| School Register, Cross Roads 1897 List of pupils | Hardwood Hill Rogers Hill Scotsburn Station student students class age enrollment enrolled grade year month day attendance birthday West Pictou | | |
| School Register, Cross Roads, 1902 Pupils list and Record of Visitation | Rogers Hill S. Station student students class age birthday month day year attendance enrolled enrollment grade West Pictou | | |
| School Register, Cross Roads, 1916 List of pupils and visitation record | students class enrollment enrolled age month day year attendance grade Lawrence Stewart | | |
| School Register, Rogers Hill, 1914 List of pupils | Cross Roads Rogers Hill student students class enrollment enrolled age month day year attendance grade Section 30 West Pictou | | |
| School Register, Cross Roads, 1908 List of pupils | Rogers Hill student students enrollment enroll class birthday year month date day age grade attendance | | |
| School Register, Greenvale, 1898 Pupils list | Blanchard McPherson's Mills Amherst Blue Mountain McLellans Mountain McLennans Mountain Colchester County Elm Farm Kennedy Mary M Kennedy student students enrollment enroll class birthday year month date grade attendance Section 58 South Pictou | | |
| School Register, Greenvale, 1899 List of pupils and visitors | Meiklefield Green Vale New Glasgow Blue Mountain Thorburn Blanchard McPherson's Mills students student enrollment enroll birthday day month year grad attendance Section 58 South Pictou | | |
| School Register, Greenvale, 1904 List of pupils | student students enrollment enroll grade school birthday year month day attendance class Section 58 South Pictou record roll | | |
| School Register, Greenvale, 1900 List of pupils | student students enrollment enroll class grade school birthday year month day attendance Thorburn McPherson's Mills Relief Hill Kirk Mountain Kirk Mt McLellans Brook McLennans Brook Meiklefield Blanchard Section 58 South Pictou record roll | | |
| School Register, Greenvale, 1895 List of pupils | Blue Mountain French River Antigonish Blanchard Willena Mackintosh McKintosh student students grade enrollment enroll class school birthday year month day attendance Section 58 South Pictou record roll | | |
| School Register, Greenvale, 1901 List of pupils | Blue Mountain student students grade enrollment enroll class school birthday year month day attendance Section 58 South Pictou record roll | | |
| School Register, Greenvale, 1902 List of pupils | Blue Mountain Blanchard McPherson's Mills student students grade class enrollment enroll school birthday year month day attendance Section 58 South Pictou record roll | | |
| School Register, Bridgeville, 1913 List of pupils | South Pictou Section 15 grade class birthday year month day enroll enrollment attendance student students record roll | | |
| School Register, Piedmont Valley, 1913 List of pupils | Section 42 East Pictou French River Merigomish Broudway enrollment enroll attendance class student students birthday year month day record roll | | |
| School Register, Piedmont Valley, 1912 List of pupils | Section 42 East Pictou Mulgrave Barneys River New Glasgow Boston Truro enroll enrollment attendance class student students year month day birthday record roll | | |
| School Register, Piedmont Valley, 1909 List of pupils | Section 42 Barneys River enrollment enroll attendance class student students birthday year month day David Robertson David W McMillan New Glasgow Aberdeen Cape Breton Pictou South River Tatamagouche Barneys River Station Daniel McKenzie record roll | | |
| School Register, Greenvale, 1903 List of pupils | Blue Mountain McPhersons Mills Blanchard Sunny Brae Higgs student students enroll enrollment birthday day month year attendance class record roll | | |
| School Register, Merigomish, 1920 List of pupils | New Glasgow Sherbrooke Lower Barneys River enroll enrollment student students birthday day month year attendance class David Finlayson George Patterson record roll | | |
| School Register, Greenvale, 1908 List of pupils | New Glasgow Barneys River B Road Blanchard Road McPhersons Mills Boston enroll enrollment class student students birthday day month year attendance record roll | | |
| School Register, Bay View , 1894 List of pupils | enrollment student students birthday day month year attendance Lizzie Sutherland Caribou Cariboo Ursula Johnston Elizabeth Sutherland Mcfallum Galt C British Columbia West Bay Central Carrriboo Providence Rhode Island Bermuda Burmuda West Carriboo record roll | | |
| School Register, Bay View , 1895 List of pupils | enrollment student students birthday day month year attendance Whycocomah Whycocomagh Cape Breton Central Caribou Central Cariboo Caribou record roll | | |
| School Register, Three Brooks, 1900 List of pupils | Boston Massachusetts Central Carriboo Central Caribou Toney Mills enrollment enroll student students birthday day month year attendance record roll MacKenzie McKenzie Katherine C Macmillan | | |