Description Andrew Oakum Inquest 1857

May 1857

No. 10 Held an Inquest at River John on the 23 & 24th May on view of the body of Andrew Oakum (Am. Indian) lying dead in a wigwam at Seal Creek near Point Bruely — Verdict That the said Andrew Oakum came to his death at his wigwam at Seal Creek near River John aforesaid on Friday evening the 22nd day of May instant in consequence and by reason of an assault committed on him by William Manning of River John aforesaid on Friday evening the 15th day of May instant when the said Andrew Oakum was then and there thrown down and struck and bruised by the said William Manning — Date of Inquest 24th May

File number: 2014-01-75-10
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Harris, sheriff, Brule, murder, assault, died, Seal Creek, death, Mi'kmaw
Views: 592
Uploaded on: February 17, 2017

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