| 150th Anniversary of the Landing of the Ship Hector Unveiling of the statue commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Landing of the Ship Hector in 1923 | Ship Hector photograph sample Scottish memorial anniversary 1923 pioneer Pictou Water Street Church Street | | |
| Corner of Coleraine and Water Street in Pictou. Corner of Coleraine and Water Street, Pictou, NS. The Stanley Hotel is in the background. | Water Street Coleraine Street Pictou Stanley Hotel | | |
| Will of William Carson of Pictou, NS Copy of Will of William Carson of Pictou, NS, Tinsmith | William Carson of Pictou Tinsmith 1902 Mary Carson Adam Carson Water Street David McKay William Ross 1903 | | |
| Will of Christianna Fraser of Pictou, NS Copy of Will of Christianna Fraser of Pictou, NS, Widow of late James D.B. Fraser | Christianna Fraser of Pictou Widow late James D.B. Fraser 1873 Frederick W. Fraser Robert P. Fraser Water Street Commercial Street Home Marine Insurance association of Pictou Pictou Mutual Insurance association Henry Fraser James D. Fraser Catherine Fraser Agnes Fraser John McKinlay Daniel Fullerton 1893 | | |
| Stone Houses on Water Street Two Freestone Houses located on Water Street | Water Street Pictou Historic Properties Harris | | |
| Stonehouse, Water Street Pictou Photo of a brick building. Photo was taken in 1978.
Previously was the Stonehouse Restaurant owned by Hugh MacDonald. | cutains sign street brick Stonehouse Restaurant Water Street Pictou | | |
| Plan of Vance and Patterson Properties Map of the proposed expansion of Water Street in Pictou, running parallel from the railway | map Pictou Vance Patterson Water Street J.U. Ross Adelaide Patterson John D. McKenzie | | |
| Water Street Properties Proposed new street parallel to Water Street and the properties around it | map Water Street Pictou John Ives James Kitchen Ives Kitchen A.R. Ross Ross James Primrose Primrose Grant Henderson Gordon Meagher A.J. Patterson Patterson Doull J.S. Arnison Arnison Desmond Anderson | | |
| Water Street Photo from the 1916 Pictou, NS book | book Pictou Water Street | | |
| Invoice Bill of sale between Dawson, Gordon & Co. and McIntosh and Dewar dated 31 Dec 1879. | Dawson Gordon 1879 McIntosh Dewar hardware merchant Pictou Dawson Gordon & Co Water Street | | |
| D. Logan & Company Postal card, 1877 | penny postcard Pictou New Glasgow merchant post card David Logan grocer Water Street importer general store | | |
| D. Logan & Company Lemon Syrup label
| tag company advertisement scrollwork print Royal Coat of Arms Lion and Unicorn emblem Royal Crest font typeface sale merchant general store Water Street Pictou | | |
| D. Logan & Company Invoice for hay and grain dated 1904 | Montreal fodder feed Timothy-grass cattle livestock cat's tail cost dollars amount grade delivery bill statement Laberge Vercheres David Logan merchant general store Water Street Pictou | | |
| D. Logan & Company Postal Card, 1906 | goods deliver Tattrie merchant grocer penny postcard importer general store Water Street Pictou merchandise David Logan | | |
| D. Logan & Company Postal Card, 1906 | penny postcard Pictou merchant grocer David Logan general store importer post card Blackwood Colchester Water Street | | |
| D. Logan & Company Postal Card, 1905 | MacNab Mc Nabb Mc Nab penny postcard merchant general store importer post card William McNab grocer Water Street David Logan | | |
| D. Logan & Company Postal Card, 1906 | goods deliver grocer Water Street Pictou penny postcard merchant merchandise | | |
| D. Logan & Company Postal cards from John McLeod of Diamond dated 1904 to 1906, to D. Logan and Co. Esq. | penny postcard Pictou grocer Water Street deliver goods produce John Mac Leod John Mc Leod McLeod Dalhousie Mountain Westville David Logan store general store order delivery merchandise | | |
| D. Logan & Company Postal card sent to D. Logan from Murray Brothers of Meadowville, dated 1905 | David Logan Murray grocer Water Street inquiry cost Meadowville Station penny postcard order goods delivery merchandise | | |
| D. Logan & Company Postal cards from John R Ross of West Branch River John dated from 1904 to 1906 | merchandise shipment goods supply supplier product cost payment dealer grocer Water Street penny postcard delivery order | | |
| Edwin W. McDonald acquires Basil McLellan's ice cream parlour Short blurb on the purchase of McLellan's business by Stellarton's E. W. McDonald from Dec. 10, 1926 | E.W. McDonald Eddie's Edwin W. McDonald Basil McLellan McDonald McLellan Pictou Advocate newspaper Water Street Pictou | | |
| Buys Building Short blurb from the Jan. 26, 1939 Pictou Advocate about E.W. McDonald buying the Carson building on Water Street, Pictou. | E.W. McDonald Eddie's Edwin W. McDonald Carson building Water Street Pictou newspaper Pictou Advocate | | |
| Will of John Meagher of Pictou, NS Copy of Will of John Meagher of Pictou, NS, Yeoman | John Meagher of Pictou Yeoman Catherine McDonald James and Sarah McDonald Catherine Meagher John and Eliza Meagher Catherine Pearson Colin and Lucy Pearson Elizabeth McIlwain of Boston Thomas Meagher Water Street Willow Street Carmichael property Jessie Meagher Church Street John T. Meagher Merigomish Island estate of late Hector McDonald daughter Catherine Meagher Catherine Meagher David and Jane Meagher of Boston David McKay of Millbank Farm Esquire James McDonald George Welsh Charles R. MacKay 1890 | | |
| Index of Photos for Cabinet 1 Index of photos located in the first cabinet of the Don MacIsaac Photo Collection, in order of subject and name. | Pictou Prince Street Water Street Church Street High Street Denoon Street Stella Maris Church Coleraine Street Chapel Street Faulkland Street New Glasgow Brownrigg MacCuish MacLean Front Street Glontrer McKannl McDonald McFarlane Jollymore Beer Dalton Foley Bedford Godfrey Henderson Bray Roach Webster Fraser Grant Campbell Provost Street Robertson Logan MacLeod Morrison Hemmings Langille MacPhail Munro Shultz Cameron MacLaren MacMillan Innis Murray Heighton Allen Newhook Beck Beck Brown Dickson Haley Harris Goldsmith Welsh Stewart Nassar Hendrican Dobson Marshall Dawson Graham MacNeil MacNeil MacLellan MacKinnon Cooper Hector Emery Carson Murdock Hudson Heartz MacFarlane Talbot Anderson Simon O'Brien Gill Ferguson Andrews Payne Hayward Harper Matheson Murphy Freeman Shea Shea Pope Perry Irving MacNeill MacArthur Veniot Adamson English MacIsaac MacIsaac Nauss Thompson MacKenzie McGuire McEwan Jollimore White Knox Church McNeil Sutherland Chisholm Johnson Cantley Hayden Rogers Clark MacDearmid MacPherson Don MacIsaac Ross West River Road Cottage Street Tanner Murdoch Sarson Confederation McKay MacDougall Nicholson Arthur Foster Scott Livingstone Muir William Grange Street McPherson Robson Owen Downs Willis LeBlanc St. James Anglican Church Neville Stramberg Spencer Horton Irish Porter Rae Diamond Mackay George Street George Street Wilson Noel Dunn Steel Bowman Walker Sinclair Beaton Armstrong Corbin Baillie Snow Knowles Power Power Paige Welsford Richards Old Haliburton Road Truman Sellers First Presbyterian Church Kennedy Don MacIsaac Photo Collection Index photos Williams Marshal Craig Adams Rice Gillis Pidgeon Roberts Tate Clarke Munroe MacCabe Stanley Babe Ruth King George VI Princess Alexandria Minto McDermid Blackie Bowes Hislop Hill Hill Leithead Willow Street Laurier Hemphill Bounty Kirk Currie Our Lady of Lourdes Church Pictou United Church St. Andrew's Church St. Augustine's Monastery Appleman Avery Baileff Jim Barnard Barnwell Barzilay Baulin Bear Bellefonarine Benoit Bishop Blaikie Blinkhorn Boudreau Bourgeois Bourque Bowie Bowles Broidy Bronson Buchanan Bueller Bure Butler Cain Caines Canon Carelton Carlton Carrol Carroll Carter Casey Chabassal Chapman Chenell Cheverie Cleary Clow Collins Conrad Corkum Cormier Cosgrove Cotter Cox Creff Crowe Crowell Currey Curris Cyr Daken Daley Decoste Dodson Dorie Druhan Duff Duggan Dunlap Duphrey Durley Elisqar Estabrooks Fahey Farrell Feougores Fleming Fleury Fullerton Fullerton Gesner Getty Gilles Goodwin Grahame Gravestock Green Grover Guilderson Guillioms Gullins Halliday Handsford Hansen Hartson Hawkins Head Herman Hogg Holton Hooper Hoyt Hubert Jollota Jordan Kavanagh Keddy Kerislean Laffin Lakenman Landry Lang Larade LaRocque Lavoie LeBreton Lewis Littler Lloyd Long Lulik MacBeth MacCarthy MacCarville MacClair MacCormick MacCulloch MacDonald-Guillioms MacEachen MacEwan MacGillivray MacGuire MacKaracker MacKeigan MacKenna MacLennan MacPhee MacPhirson Madore Maher Mainville Malcolm Maloney Maloney Martell Maskill Massey McAloney McCormack McCrae McCullion Mc Intyre McKenna Meir Meshea Messer Milton Monch Moore Morash Morgan Morley Morson Nelms Newcomb Nole Nunn O'Hearn Oicle O'Leary Page Patton Peddle Penny Pettipas Philips Phinney Pilote Poirier Prest Prince Charles Prince of Wales Prince Phillip Princess Anne Princess Diana Pushie Queen Elizabeth II Raitt Ratchford RCMP Redmond Rickets Roddam Rudolph Russell Ryan Samson Sarty Sewart Shea-Farrell Sheght Singleton Skrynsky Sobey Speelman St. Laurent Stede Steele Stirling Straight Thorne Thornhill Toole Topshee Tucker Tulkens Turple Umm Underwood Vanryswyk Vienneau Vigneault Wamg Weatherbee-Langille Welch Winchester Winters Wisener Wong West End School Ships Acadia Ashagola Campania Fergus Gloria May Hochelaga Lord Selkirk Lovat Max Aitkin Mayflower Nanook North Star Northumberland Prince Edward Prince Nova St. Olaf Tall Ships Blackie Road Caladh Ave Chestnut Street Constitution Street Haliburton Road Hill Street Hoyt Street John Street Jury Street Louise Street Market Street Martha Street Palmerston Street Rawle Street Pennsylvania Ross St. School Street St. Stephen Street Stellarton Road Welsford Street | | |
| Will of Andrew Thain of Pictou, NS Copy of Will of Andrew Thain of Pictou, NS, Joiner | Andrew Thain of Pictou 1848 Margaret Thain Water Street Coleraine Street James Carworth (Carpenter) of Pictou William Murdock of Pictou "Royal Oak" home John McKinlay Samuel Taylor Walter Taylor 1905 | | |