| West End School, Grades II and III, 1925 West End School, Class photo | West End School Pictou Academy 1925 Beer Robertson MacDonald Logan Lawlor MacLeod Penney Morrison Campbell Young Hemmings Langille MacPhail Munro Morrison MacCormack Shultz Langille Cameron MacLaren MacMillan Innis Gunn Murray Beer Heighton Allen Munsie Hansford Davis Smith Newhook Beck Hemmings Brown | | |
| Dawson School Class Photo 1932 Sir William Dawson School, Class photo, Pictou | class Pictou school Dawson Sir William Dawson School 1932 Central School Fraser Andrews MacLeod MacDonald MacFarlane Payne Roach Anderson Hayward Harper MacNeil Matheson Shaw Murphy Robertson MacPhail Ferguson Freeman Grant Shea Newhook Pope Perry Hemmings Bethune MacLean Irving Heighton Hemmings Morrison MacNeill MacArthur Leadbetter Veniot Adamson English MacIsaac Robertson MacKean | | |
| Dawson School Class Photo 1932 Sir William Dawson School, Class photo, Pictou | class Pictou school Dawson Sir William Dawson School 1932 Central School Fraser Andrews MacLeod MacDonald MacFarlane Payne Roach Anderson Hayward Harper MacNeil Matheson Shaw Murphy Robertson MacPhail Ferguson Freeman Grant Shea Newhook Pope Perry Hemmings Bethune MacLean Irving Heighton Hemmings Morrison MacNeill MacArthur Leadbetter Veniot Adamson English MacIsaac Robertson MacKean | | |
| James William Fraser James William Fraser | Fraser James William Fraser Robertson 12 Milehouse Churchville JDB Fraser John Fraser | | |
| Alice Fraser Alice Fraser | Fraser Alice Fraser Daniels Robertson Churchville 12 Milehouse | | |
| Ann Robertson Ann Robertson | Robertson William Robertson Fraser 1818 1909 Ann robertson John Fraser Churchville | | |
| Jessie Fraser Jessie Fraser | Fraser Jessie Fraser Rood Churchville 12 Milehouse Robertson | | |
| MacDonald Picnic, 1915 or 1916 MacDonald Picnic, around 1915, 1916 | E M MacDonald Munro Robertson Smith 1915 1916 Pictou family MacDonald Scammell | | |
| MacDonald Family MacDonald Family of Pictou, 1916 | MacDonald E M MacDonald Atkins Andrew Bethune Webster Robertson E M MacDonald 1916 Scammell | | |
| Pictou Academy "B" Class, 1919-1920 Pictou Academy "B" Class, 1919-1920 | Pictou Academy B Class 1919 1920 class photo Fraser Smith Wood McNeil MacKenzie Reid Balfour Sutherland Chisholm Gunn MacKay MacDoanld Johnson Brown MacLean Trome Hamilton Gordon Murray Robertson Pringle Scammell Cavanagh Dick Harris MacQueen | | |
| Invitation to the Funeral Invitation to the funeral of W.M. Robertson's mother-in-law | robertson funeral D. Crichton Robertson Wm. Robertson | | |
| Struan Carmichael Robertson Photograph of Struan Carmichael Robertson, Pictou Academy Class of 1916 | Struan Carmichael Robertson Robertson Pictou Pictou Academy Class of 1916 Kingston | | |
| Sutherland's River History of Sutherland's River includes pioneers, church, school and employment. | John Sutherland E.W. Hurtly MacLellan Thorburn Edgerton Tulford Presbyterian Church Rev. W.T. Bruce Daniel MacQueen Gilbert Fraser Shady Lawn Bonnie Brae Cabins James Diner Grant Ross Campbell Charledecott James Hardwick Godfrey MacGregor Robertson MacKay MacRae Rankin Fraser | | |
| Roll Of Electors Qualified to Vote in the County of Pictou | Adams Armstrong anderson beer baxter brock barry brennan bryenton Brown brownrigg burns Chiverie campbell cameron Cullen Crawford carroll Douglas Dickson Dobson Elliot Fraser McDonald mcKay Munro mcIsaac pope henderson logan gill gillis jollimore Rice Robertson sutherland watt welsh stewart roach walker | | |
| Family Records Of the Senior Branch of The Robertsons of Churchville, N.S Family Records Of the Senior Branch of The Robertsons of Churchville, N.S | MacDonald Robertson Fraser Chruchville Campbell Scotland Pictou | | |
| Family Records of The MacHardys of MacLennan's Mountain Family Records of The MacHardys of MacLennan's Mountain | MacHardy Alexander MacHardy Campbells Fraser Robertson cameron MacLennan Mountain Pictou | | |
| Index of Photos for Cabinet 1 Index of photos located in the first cabinet of the Don MacIsaac Photo Collection, in order of subject and name. | Pictou Prince Street Water Street Church Street High Street Denoon Street Stella Maris Church Coleraine Street Chapel Street Faulkland Street New Glasgow Brownrigg MacCuish MacLean Front Street Glontrer McKannl McDonald McFarlane Jollymore Beer Dalton Foley Bedford Godfrey Henderson Bray Roach Webster Fraser Grant Campbell Provost Street Robertson Logan MacLeod Morrison Hemmings Langille MacPhail Munro Shultz Cameron MacLaren MacMillan Innis Murray Heighton Allen Newhook Beck Beck Brown Dickson Haley Harris Goldsmith Welsh Stewart Nassar Hendrican Dobson Marshall Dawson Graham MacNeil MacNeil MacLellan MacKinnon Cooper Hector Emery Carson Murdock Hudson Heartz MacFarlane Talbot Anderson Simon O'Brien Gill Ferguson Andrews Payne Hayward Harper Matheson Murphy Freeman Shea Shea Pope Perry Irving MacNeill MacArthur Veniot Adamson English MacIsaac MacIsaac Nauss Thompson MacKenzie McGuire McEwan Jollimore White Knox Church McNeil Sutherland Chisholm Johnson Cantley Hayden Rogers Clark MacDearmid MacPherson Don MacIsaac Ross West River Road Cottage Street Tanner Murdoch Sarson Confederation McKay MacDougall Nicholson Arthur Foster Scott Livingstone Muir William Grange Street McPherson Robson Owen Downs Willis LeBlanc St. James Anglican Church Neville Stramberg Spencer Horton Irish Porter Rae Diamond Mackay George Street George Street Wilson Noel Dunn Steel Bowman Walker Sinclair Beaton Armstrong Corbin Baillie Snow Knowles Power Power Paige Welsford Richards Old Haliburton Road Truman Sellers First Presbyterian Church Kennedy Don MacIsaac Photo Collection Index photos Williams Marshal Craig Adams Rice Gillis Pidgeon Roberts Tate Clarke Munroe MacCabe Stanley Babe Ruth King George VI Princess Alexandria Minto McDermid Blackie Bowes Hislop Hill Hill Leithead Willow Street Laurier Hemphill Bounty Kirk Currie Our Lady of Lourdes Church Pictou United Church St. Andrew's Church St. Augustine's Monastery Appleman Avery Baileff Jim Barnard Barnwell Barzilay Baulin Bear Bellefonarine Benoit Bishop Blaikie Blinkhorn Boudreau Bourgeois Bourque Bowie Bowles Broidy Bronson Buchanan Bueller Bure Butler Cain Caines Canon Carelton Carlton Carrol Carroll Carter Casey Chabassal Chapman Chenell Cheverie Cleary Clow Collins Conrad Corkum Cormier Cosgrove Cotter Cox Creff Crowe Crowell Currey Curris Cyr Daken Daley Decoste Dodson Dorie Druhan Duff Duggan Dunlap Duphrey Durley Elisqar Estabrooks Fahey Farrell Feougores Fleming Fleury Fullerton Fullerton Gesner Getty Gilles Goodwin Grahame Gravestock Green Grover Guilderson Guillioms Gullins Halliday Handsford Hansen Hartson Hawkins Head Herman Hogg Holton Hooper Hoyt Hubert Jollota Jordan Kavanagh Keddy Kerislean Laffin Lakenman Landry Lang Larade LaRocque Lavoie LeBreton Lewis Littler Lloyd Long Lulik MacBeth MacCarthy MacCarville MacClair MacCormick MacCulloch MacDonald-Guillioms MacEachen MacEwan MacGillivray MacGuire MacKaracker MacKeigan MacKenna MacLennan MacPhee MacPhirson Madore Maher Mainville Malcolm Maloney Maloney Martell Maskill Massey McAloney McCormack McCrae McCullion Mc Intyre McKenna Meir Meshea Messer Milton Monch Moore Morash Morgan Morley Morson Nelms Newcomb Nole Nunn O'Hearn Oicle O'Leary Page Patton Peddle Penny Pettipas Philips Phinney Pilote Poirier Prest Prince Charles Prince of Wales Prince Phillip Princess Anne Princess Diana Pushie Queen Elizabeth II Raitt Ratchford RCMP Redmond Rickets Roddam Rudolph Russell Ryan Samson Sarty Sewart Shea-Farrell Sheght Singleton Skrynsky Sobey Speelman St. Laurent Stede Steele Stirling Straight Thorne Thornhill Toole Topshee Tucker Tulkens Turple Umm Underwood Vanryswyk Vienneau Vigneault Wamg Weatherbee-Langille Welch Winchester Winters Wisener Wong West End School Ships Acadia Ashagola Campania Fergus Gloria May Hochelaga Lord Selkirk Lovat Max Aitkin Mayflower Nanook North Star Northumberland Prince Edward Prince Nova St. Olaf Tall Ships Blackie Road Caladh Ave Chestnut Street Constitution Street Haliburton Road Hill Street Hoyt Street John Street Jury Street Louise Street Market Street Martha Street Palmerston Street Rawle Street Pennsylvania Ross St. School Street St. Stephen Street Stellarton Road Welsford Street | | |
| Leonard Bowman Robertson (2nd) (1918-? Leonard Bowman Robertson (1918-?). He was the second son of Louisa Reid Ives and Leonard Bowman Robertson. Leonard was a Captain in the British army during WW2. He married Edna Effie Bell (1920-?). Leonard (2nd) is a G grandson ow William Ives. | Ives Robertson Fraser | | |
| Leonard Bowman Robertson (1890-1972) Leonard Bowman Robertson is the spouse of Louisa Reid Ives. Louise is a granddaughter of William Ives (1808-1880) | Robertson Ives Fraser | | |
| Adele Marie Robertson (1971-) Adele is the second daughter of Allan James Robertson and Virginia Worobel. Lara is also a GGG granddaughter of William Ives (1808-1880). | Robertson Ives Fraser | | |
| Lara Lynn Robertson (1973-) Lara is the third daughter of Allan James Robertson and Virginia Worobel. Lara is also a GGG granddaughter of William Ives (1808-1880). | Robertson Ives Fraser | | |
| Jenny Lind Robertson (1970-) Jenny is the eldest daughter of Allan James Robertson and Virginia Worobel. Lara is also a GGG granddaughter of William Ives (1808-1880). | Ives Robertson Fraser | | |
| James Ives Robertson (1917-1989) James was the oldest son of Louisa Reid Ives (1889-1989) and Leonard Bowman Robertson (1890-1972) and Louisa Reid Ives (1889-1982). He is buried in Seaview Cemetery. James is a G grandson of William Ives (1808-1800). | Ives James Ives Robertson Fraser | | |
| Helen Charlotte MacDonell (1922-20005) Helen married James Ives Robertson. She is the daughter of Allan MacDonell (1880-1926) and Mary Christina MacDonald (1895-1978). James is a G grandson of William Ives (1808-1800). | Macdonell Ives Robertson | | |
| Nora Louise Robertson (1921-?) Nora Louise Robertson was a daughter of Louisa Reid Ives and Leonard Bowman Robertson. She married Lester William Bongard (1921-2000). Louise is a G granddaughter of William Ives (1808-1880) | Ives Robertson Fraser | | |