Survivor accounts printed in the Eastern Chronicle.
Interior of court room.
Launching of War Wasp, 1917
Letter from John Clark dated 20 September 1847
Letter to the editor re why Pictou is called Pictou.
Postal cards from John R Ross of West Branch River John dated from 1904 to 1906
View of Pictou from top of Fullerton House
Belleville Farm, Beeches Road, Pictou
Legal agreement between Kenneth McKenzie of Green Hill and his son George William Mc Kenzie.
Descendants of Kenneth Grant and Ann MacLean
Page 4 of The Pictou Observer and Eastern Advertiser of Tuesday, June 28, 1842, Vol. 1, No. 34
General's Visit, 1912. Old Pictou Academy, West End School, Grammar School
Rev Mr Boyd
Group surveying the destruction of hurricane Edna is 1954
Narrative of James Alexander Ross
Stanley Park
Emma MacDonald MacCuish c 1910
Photographic plate
Portrait of woman
Obituary for Mrs Roderick H MacKay of Diamond. Obituary for James Frank Wilson printed in the Pictou Advocate 17 January 1957, page 4
Invoice dated 17 July 1896
Maud and Gerte MacDonald of Pictou
Marriages and obituaries printed in The Eastern Chronicle, 22 January 1863 page 3
List of pupils