Description John Clark

Pictou September 20 (21)th 1847

Dear Brother

I send you this few lines to let you know that I am in good health at present and hopes this will find you the same  I should have rote to you long ago but I did not rite what I was going to do Mr Patterson wants no no one all winter but a boy and as the wages is so small I am in intending going to the States or Canada this fall  Patterson wants me to stop a month or two but if I were to do that it would be two late for going  Alexr Beaton is going two he is going to leave the wife where she is till the spring I will need to go through to Tatamagouche before I go and I cant tell you exactly when  I I am intending to go tomorrow I think if so be that Patterson is willing and make up the three days when I come back and then we will not lose a chance of a vessell write 

me with the first post if you get this in time and if I alter my mind and not go I will stop hear till the folowing is done and then we will both go through together to Tatamagouche and if I had thought about it in time we could have both together at this time I have no more to say at presant but rite me with the first post and you will hear from me again soon

Remain yours truly

John Clark

Note:  Accession record states letter was written by John Clark to his brother James Clark of Milllbrook.  

File number: 78-111
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: John Clark, James Clark, Millbrook, Pictou, Pictou County, Tatamagouche, 1847, Patterson, Upper Canada, Ontario, US, Alexander Beaton
Views: 581
Uploaded on: May 11, 2018
Source: Mrs Gordon Beattie

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