On January 1st, 1863, by the Reverend Thomas Sedgwick, Mr Simon Malery of Minudie, to Miss Sarah Ross, of Tatamagouche.
On the same day, by the same, Mr Hector Murray, to Miss Mary Gaston, both of Tatamagouche.
On the 1st inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. George Roddick, Mr Alexander McLennan of Roger's Hill, to Miss Catherine Adamson, of Dalhousie Mountain.
At Mt. Dalhousie, on the 23d ult, William McDonald, in the 71st year of his age, a native of the parish of Kildonan, Sutherlandshire, Scotland; and emigrated to this country in the year 1817, much and deservedly respected by a large circle of friends and relatives.
On Tuesday morning last, Agnes, the wife of Adam Gordon, Esq. in the 64th year of her age.
On the 3rd inst, at Upper Stewiacke, of inflammation, John Proven, aged 26.
File number: | EC22011863p3 |
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Tags: | Simon Malery, Minudie, Cumberland County, Sarah Ross, Sarah Malery, Tatamagouche, Hector Murray, Mary Gaston, Mary Gaston Murray, Mary Murray, Sarah Ross Malery, Alexander McLennan, Rogers Hill, Catherine Adamson, Catherine Adamson McLennan, Catherine McLennan, Dalhousie Mountain, William McDonald, Kildonan, Scotland, 1817, Agnes Gordon, Adam Gordon, John Proven, Upper Stewiacke, Colchester County |
Views: | 695 |
Uploaded on: | August 29, 2018 |
Source: | Eastern Chronicle |