Robert P Fraser
Douglas Family Album
Large ceramic bowl
Bonniebrae interior
Stone home of David Lowden on Beaches Road, Braeshore, Pictou, NS built in 1803.
Episode Four
Fourth Pictou Academy, Pictou, Nova Scotia
Mrs D. McDonald
Postcard album, Graham family of Rogers Hill, c 1910
A letter from Sgt Bill Harris to Libbie
George MacKinnon
West Branch, River John Cemetery, Pictou County, Nova Scotia
Stone home of John MacKenzie who owned a quarry, sawmill and gristmill in Lyons Brook.
Grandpa Douglas
List of pupils
Portrait of woman.
Letter written by Dr. Gilchrist from Angola to Dr. Scammell in Halifax, 1963
Crockett, Fraser, Mann, Gunn, Grant,Moore, Darragh, Mitchell, Finley and Parker Family Genealogy
Quern or Hand mill
log house
Canadian Registration card
students at their desks, West End School
Man in coffin.