Description School Register, White School, New Glasgow, 1926

List of pupils and the name and address of their parent or guardian.

Grades I and II

  1. Jack MacNeil, Mr. A. Mac Neil, Forbes St
  2. Clarke Heckman, Mr. H. C. Heckman, Washington St
  3. Simon Fraser, Mr. Charles Fraser, Merigomish
  4. Fraser McPherson, Mr. Angus McPherson, Lorne
  5. Lloyd Dickson, Mr. Aubrey Dickson, MacKay St
  6. Jean Eastwood, Mr. Ralph Eastwood, Temperance
  7. Jean Nickerson, Mr. James Ross, Temperance
  8. Andrew Weir, Mr. Walter Weir, Archimedes
  9. Lenora Jewell, Mr. Harold Jewell, Vale Rd
  10. Margaret Greene, Mr. F. E. Greene, Lorne
  11. Doris MacNabb, Mr. A. W. MacNabb, Forbes
  12. Betty Bauld, Mr. Gerald Bauld, Temperance
  13. Roberta Johnston, Mr. Robert Johnston, Temperance
  14. Billy Bauld, Mr. Gerald Bauld, Temperance
  15. Allan Gray, Mr. Henry Gray, Temperance
  16. Billy Cumming, Mr. James Cumming, Washington
  17. Dugald Ramsay, Mr. Ernest Ramsay, Washington
  18. Elsie Sponagle, Mr. George Sponalge, MacLean
  19. Stuart McCulloch, Mr. H. B. MacCulloch, Forbes
  20. Catherine Johnston, Mr. Charles Johnston, Merigomish
  21. Phillip Henry Ferguson, Mr. H. Ferguson, Kempt St
  22. Elizabeth Grant, Mr. L. O. Grant, Lorne St
  23. Elsie Croxen, Mr. Garfield Croxen, Vale Rd
  24. John MacGillivray, Mr. H. MacGillivray, James St
  25. Thelma Jewell, Mr. Marshall Paris, Vale Rd
  26. Fred Copeland, Mr. J. D. Copeland, Archimedes
  27. Leslie Dickson, Mr. Charles Dickson, Roderick
  28. Isabel McCulloch, Mr. Harold McCulloch, Forbes
  29. Cahterine Cumming, Mr. James Cumming, Washington
  30. Norine Murray, Mr. W. M. Murray, James
  31. Dorothy Potter, Mr. Arthur Potter, Albert
  32. Helen MacIntosh, Mr. Alex McIntosh, Lorne St
  33. Jean Dobson, Mr. Charles Dobson, Merigomish
  34. Evelyn Kellock, Mr. Robert Kellock, Dalhousie
  35. Graham Cumming, Mr. James Cumming
  36. John Greene, Mr. F. E. Greene, Lorne St
  37. --wson Smith, Mr. H. M. Smith, Pleasant
  38. -----nt Cameron, Mr. Scutt Cameron, Washington
  39. ---nifred Sponagle, Mr. Fred Sponagle, MacLean
  40. ----n Cunningham, Mr. Fraser Cunningham, Lorne
  41. ---ion MacDonald, Mr. A. MacDonald, Temperance
  42. ---nabel MacNeil, Mr. A. MacNeil, Forbes
  43. ---rence MacDonald, Mr. Stuart McDonald, Cameron
  44. ---ter Fraser Burrows, Mr. Charles Burrows, Lorne
  45. ---art Edison Snyder, Mr. Charles Snyder, Robertson
  46. Brooks Henderson, Mrs. Jessie Henderson, Marsh
  47. Marion Louise Jollimore, Mr. William Jollimore, Roderick
  48. Herbert Bannerman Campbell, Mr. Adam Campbell, Albert
  49. Beatrice Standring, Mr. W. J. Standring, Albert
  50. Thelma Lois Aikens, Mr. Perry Aikens, MacKay

File number: SRWNG1926
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: students, class, age, children, vaccinate, small pox, conscientious objector, birth date, year, month, day, enrollment, enrolled, grade, student, birthday
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Uploaded on: October 28, 2016

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