Description Some of My Ancestral History

 by Wendy Crockett

Table of Contents

  • Introduction.................................1
  • Crocket Coat of Arms...(see original)
  • History of the Crocket Family .......2
  • History of the Fraser Family .........4
  • The Mann Family .........................6
  • The Gunn and Grant Families ......6
  • History of the Moore Family .........8
  • The Darragh Family ...................10
  • The Mitchell Family ....................11
  • The Finley Family ......................12
  • The Parker Family .....................13
  • Conclusion ...............................13

File Location

vault, original material, box # 12

File number: 86-142
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: railroad, teacher, Pictou, Ship Hector, pioneer, 1880, Alexander Grant, John Fraser, Mary Fraser, Merigomish, William McDonald, William Fraser, Prince Edward Island, PEI, mill, Donald Fraser, John Grant, 1842, missionary, Alexander Fraser, Alexander Fraser, John Gunn, Wallace, Pictou County, James Fraser, James Fraser, William Ross, James Mitchell, White Hill, Margaret Crockett, Hopewell, John Young, Janet Fraser, Jessie Fraser, Hector, 1773, Catherine Fraser, Thomas Fraser, Thomas Fraser, Richard Fraser, Katherine Fraser, Boston, Charles Fraser, Ann Fraser, Nova Scotia, Gordon, Margaret Grant, Catherine Grant, Donald Grant, Peter Grant, Jean Fraser, Jessie Bell Grant, David Grant, Scotland, Middle River, Newfoundland, grist mill, catalog, Durham, gaelic, Cumberland County, Amherst, Rev. James McGregor, Margaret MacLean, Philadelphia, Alma Cemetery, Saint John, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, Gaelic, Wallace River, Hector MacLean, Lunenburg, emigrants, Ireland, Fox Brook, Caithness, John Moore, England, 1770, Margaret McLean, Alex Grant, Mary McLean, Duncan Fraser, Catherine Ross, mason, Kenneth Fraser, Londonderry, ministry, windows, Georgetown, 1776, Eva Florence Crockett, 1774, genealogy, family tree, ancestry, decendants, grist, heritage, immigrate, John Crockett, John Crockett, Margaret Young, Margaret Young Crockett, Dumfriesshire, mice, famine, potato, potatoe, Sir William Young, George R Young, James Crockett, William Crockett, Joseph Crockett, Nancy Crockett, Elizabeth Crockett, Sarah Crockett, Mary MacLean, Alexander Crockett, Alex Crockett, Katherine Crockett, Catherine Crockett, Jean Crockett, Mary Crockett, Marshdale, Margaret Robertson, Big Island, Robertson Island, Col. Alex Robertson, 82nd Regiment, Struan, Helen Crockett, Sophia Crockett, George Crockett, Hector McLean, Katherine Jane Crockett, Eva Crockett, Luella Crockett, Wilfred Crockett, Arthur Crockett, Luella Irene Crockett, Kong Moon Mission, North China, South China, internment camp, Japanese, Ena Fraser, Francis Struan Crockett, Ena Crockett, Hopewell Cemetery, Lairg, Union Centre, Christene MacKay, Christene McKay, Nancy Jean Fraser, Phillipa Fraser, Millbrook Falls, Millbrook, Janet Blackie, Janet Blackie, Rebecca Blackie, Rebecca Fraser, Jennie MacDonald, Jennie McDonald, Jennie Fraser, William MacDonald, Jean McDonald, Jean MacDonald, Anne Blackie, Betsy MacKenzie, Betsy McKenzie, Betsy Fraser, Katherine Ross, Lillias Fraser, Letetia Fraser, Millbrook Cemetery, James Murdock Fraser, Allan Fraser, Allan Fraser, Margaret Mann, Robert Mann, Robert Mann, Aberdeenshire, Bathurst, Alexander Mann, Francis Mann, sea captain, Madge Mann, Ethel Mann, Clara Mann, master mason, Jessie Bill Grant, Ena Mann, Margaret Gunn, Elizabeth Gunn, Isabel Gunn, Katherine Grant, St. Columba Church, Margaret Elizabeth Mann, Elsie Isabel Mann, Daniel Robert Mann, Margaret Elizabeth Fraser, Ena Delina Fraser, Lord Troupe, Lady Troupe, Troupe Manor, Sarah Troupe, John Angus, County Down, Anne Watson, James Moore, Alexander Moore, Sophia Angus, Sarah Troupe Angus, Achin, Shinimicas, Northport, Goose River, Linden, Anna Angus, double harpoon, Eatons catalogue, John Moore Fork, Renwick Church, Oxford, Millstone Hotel, Rachel Moore, Rev. W. S. Darragh, Reverend Darragh, George Darragh, Clara Kent, Clara Darragh, Wylie Darragh, Joanna Duncan, Joanna Darragh, John William Darragh, Martha Darragh, Martha Mitchell, David Mitchell, David Mitchell, David Mitchell, Anna Darragh, Alice Darragh, Wilhelmina Darragh, Minnie Darragh, Thomas Moore, Wilhelmina Moore, Minnie Moore, Ada Darragh, Sophronia Darragh, Sophronia Mitchell, Amos Mitchell, Rachel May Mitchell, Rachel May Moore, Everett Mitchell, Wylie David Moore, Grace Mitchell, Grace Mitchell, Grace Mitchell, Grace Moore, George William Moore, Ruth MacArthur, Ruth McArthur, Ruth Moore, Grace Louise Mitchell, Grace Louise Mitchell, Grace Louise Moore, Louise Martha Moore, David William Moore, Beth Webster, Beth Moore, Geraldine Alice Moore, Geraldine Crockett, Geraldine Alice Crockett, Andrew Wylie Moore, Inez Webster, Inez Moore, Elva Grace Moore, Elva Grace Sinnis, Elva Sinnis, James Sinnis, Edith Marie Moore, Edith Moore, Edith Weeks, John Weeks, Kathleen Bernice Moore, Kathleen Logan, Donald Logan, Andrew Darragh, Ballyboyland, Angus Hamilton, Jennie Warnock, William Stanley Darragh, James Darragh, Margaret Darragh, Margaret Darragh, Joseph Darragh, Adam Darragh, Margaret Mitchell, British Army, Mt. Pleasant, Mount Pleasant, Killamallaght, Dr. Samuel Mitchell, Robert Mitchell, Thomas Mitchell, Samuel Mitchell, John Mitchell, William Mitchell, Jane Mitchell, Marie Mitchell, Isabella Mitchell, Middleboro, Gilly Ore, Margaret Jean Darragh, Stanley Mitchell, Andrew Mitchell, Jennie Mitchell, Rachel Mitchell, Charlotte Mitchell, Katie Mitchell, Maggie Mitchell, Ester Finley, Ester Finley, Edmund Finley, Edmund Finley, Clementine Parker, Clementine Parker, Joseph Mitchell, Margueriete Mitchell, Grace Jeanette Mitchell, Glover Mitchell, 1820, James Finley, Ester Taylor, Ester Taylor Finley, Robert Finley, Jane Finley, Albert Finley, Susan Finley, William Finley, Ephriam Finley, Naomi Finley, Maynard Parker, Baptist, Annapolis County, Mayor Nathanial Parker, Rev. Nathanial Parker, Robinsons Island, Robinson
Views: 2420
Uploaded on: May 5, 2016
Source: Wendy Crockett

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