Description George Kirk, Lismore

No 11


George Kirk

to George W. A. Lowden

filed 3 PM 27 January 1890, John Ferguson, Registrar

This Indenture Witnesseth That whereas George W. A. Lowden of East Merigomish Land surveyor is security for George Kirk of Lismore Farmer on certain notes of hand to the sum of Eighty dollars --- dollars and there are certain other dealings and matters of account between the said parties hereto open and unsettled Now The terms and Conditions of this Indenture are That for and in Consideration of the premises the said George Kirk doth Herein and Hereby Assign transfer and set over to the said George W. A. Lowden all and every the following Goods and Chattels that is to say

One old Horse valued at                        $10.00

One Mare Colt valued at                          30.00

Two Cows ea $14.00 valued at                 28.00

Seven sheep} ea $2.00 valued at             14.00

One Horse Cart valued at                         10.00

One Gang plough valued at                      10.00

Five Tons of Hay in Lower Barn valued at  30.00

One Ton of Straw valued at                       3.00

One Ton of Stay in upper Barn valued at    6.00

One Ton of marsh Hay valued at                4.00


                Amounting to one hundred and forty five dollars To Have and To Hold the said above mentioned described Goods and Chattels to the said George W. A. Lowden his heirs or assigns to his and their proper use benefit and control forever.  Now this Indenture further witnesseth that if the said George Kirk shall and do pay up the said several notes above mentioned and intended and shall save the said George W. A. Lowden harmless in respect there to and shall pay such balance as may be found due to the said George W. A. Lowden and all expenses that may occur in respect thereof then and in such case the said George W. A. Lowden his heirs or assigns shall re—to the said George Kirk his heirs or assigns all and each of the above goods and chattels excepting such as may fail from natural cause.  The said George W. A. Lowden hereby agrees that the said Goods and Chattels may remain in the custody and charge of the said George Kirk and he shall have liberty to use the Horses cart and plough above mentioned for and during the pleasure of said George W. A. Lowden and shall be accountable for waste of the said Goods and Chattels by mismanagement neglect or otherwise except failure from natural cause.  In witness whereof the parties hereto do hereto their hands and seals subscribe and affix this eleventh day of January AD 1890.

In the presence of Robert D Kirk [signature]} George Kirk [signature] George W. A. Lowden [signature]


File Location

vault, 1b2

File number: 17D-1121K
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Robert Kirk, Robert D Kirk, George Kirk, George Lowden, agreement, contract, instrument, bond, trust
Views: 624
Uploaded on: July 11, 2017

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