Post card of launching of War Wasp, 1917
Photographic plate
Members of the Pugh family of England and Loch Broom, NS
Maud and Gerte MacDonald of Pictou
Everett, Mass
Priscilla Brown
Record of monies paid in 1847 and 1848.
Marriages and Deaths reported 3 May 1883 in The Eastern Chronicle
Large group gathered on the lawn of the 3rd Pictou Academy
Land grant issued to William Sutherland, Simon Bannerman, Archibald Stewart, Angus McKay and John Sutherland on 12 August, 1828.
Georgie Grant
Postcard of Highland Spring Sanatorium, Nashua, N H. For Nervous Invalids.
John H McKay, born in Plainfield, Pictou County to John McKay and Barbara McLean, was the principal of River John schools and the collector of Inland Revenue, Pictou.
Price list for tailoring gentlemen's garments, as agreed upon by the tailors of Pictou.
Receipt, 1815
Postcard album, Graham family of Rogers Hill, c 1910
Fraser family home in Alma, Pictou County
Grade 7 and 8, East End School
Grade 7 class of Sir William Dawson School, Pictou, 1932 to 1933. Teacher Ada S MacDonald
Road Damages, page 6