Description Land Grant, 1828

Land grant issued to William Sutherland, Simon Bannerman, Archibald Stewart, Angus Mckay and John Sutherland, 1828.

Nova Scotia

James Kempt

George the Fourth but the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and the United Church of England and Ireland, on Earth the Supreme Head.

To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting.

Know ye that We, of our special grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, have given and granted, by these Present ---for us, our Heirs and Successors, do give and grant unto William Sutherland, Simon Bannerman, Archibald Stewart, Angus McKay and John Sutherland One Thousand one hundred acres of land and the same situate lying and being within the District of Pictou in the County of Halifax in the following proportion towit - Unto the said William Sutherland that certain lot marked A on the annexed plan containing Three Hundred acres - Unto the said Simon Bannerman that certain lot marked B on said plan containing Two Hundred acres which said lots A and B abutted and banded as follows that is to say beginning at the South Eastern angle of land belonging to Mrs. Hunter on the West side the West branch of Barney's River thence running West eighty nine chains to James McNaughts' land thence South fifty six chains thence East ninety six chains to the River aforesaid. Thence the course of said River down stream to the place of beginning- according to the annexed plan - Unto the said Archibald Stewart that certain lot marked C in the annexed plan containing Two hundred acres, which is abuted and banded as follows that is to say beginning at the South East angle of land belonging to William Hunter adjoining the lots A and B thence running West fifty chains thence South forty chains thence East fifty chains thence North forty chains to the place of beginning according to the annexed plan.  Unto the said Angus McKay that certain lot marked D on the annexed plan containing Two hundred acres which is abutted and banded as follows that is to say beginning at the South West angle of William McKenzie's land on the East side of the River aforesaid thence running East seventy six chains thence South eleven degrees East twenty seven chains fifty links to Alexander Grant's land thence West sixty seven chains to the River aforesaid thence by the course of said river down stream to the place of beginning according to the annexed plan. And unto the said John Sutherland that certain lot marked E on the annexed plan containing Two hundred acres, which is abutted and banded as follows that is to say, beginning at the South Western angle of land belonging to William Sutherland adjoining Archibald McLean's land on the East side of the River aforesaid and near the said lot D thence running East eighty chains thence South twenty five chains thence West eighty chains, thence North twenty five chains to the place of beginning according to the annexed plan.

containing in the whole One thousand One hundred acres, and hath such shape, form and marks, as appears by a plan thereof hereunto annexed; together with all woods, underwoods, timber and timber trees, lakes ponds, fisheries, water and water courses, profits, commodities, appurtenances and hereditaments whatsoever, thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining; together with the privilage of hunting, hawking, and fowling, in and upon the same; Saving and Reserving, nevertheless, to Us our Heirs and Successors, all Coal, and also Gold, Silver, and other Mines and Minerals, to Have And To Hold the said parcel or tract of One thousand one hundred acres of Land, and all and singular other the Premises hereby granted unto the said William Sutherland, Simon Bannerman, Archibald Stewart, Angus McKay, and John Sutherland their ...

* next bit is easily read on original document, did not transcribe.  Picked up again on last page.

he and they do, severally, bind and oblige themselves, to sow, annually, a proportionable part of the lands hereby given and granted with Hemp and Flax Seed.  Given under the Great Seal of our said Province of Nova-Scotia.  Witness, our trusty and well beloved

His Excellency Lieutenant General Sir James Kempt GCB our Lieutenant Governor

and Commander in Chief, in over our said Province, this twelfth day of August in the Ninth year of our Reign, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred twenty eight.

By His Excellency's Command, and with the advice of His Majesty's  Council, at Council held at Halifax, this 12th day of August on thousand eight hundred and twenty eight

Rupert D George

Registered at Eleven o'clock in the day time 


Rupert D George

Docketed in the Auditor's Office, this twelfth day of November one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight

---  - Menke

Docekted in the Office of the Receiver-General of His Majesty's Quit Rents, having first received five shillings for every 50 acres contained in said Grant, to each person, above two hundred acres, amounting to £ 0.10.0  which I certify this 11th day of November one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight.

John Spry Morris

File Location

vault, original material, box #15

File number: 97-67
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: 9th Baronet, Receiver General and Clerk of Council for Nova Scotia, Sir Rupert Dennis George
Views: 615
Uploaded on: February 29, 2016

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