wife of Henry Reid
Postcard depicting the International Railway Station, Westville, NS
Deed between Bishop Binney, The Very Reverend William Bullock, Reverend Edwin Gilpin, Reverend John Abbott and William Sutherland of the East River, Pictou County, NS
Episode Eight
George Beattie
Lot of land sold to Mrs James Webster, 13 March 1877
Celebration in front of Pictou Courthouse
Margaret Shortt, Pictou 1924
Obituary of James McDonald, Upper Settlement East River
The Bee published by James Dawson, Pictou, Nova Scotia. Volume II, Number V
W H Harris Inquest
Sale of property from Roderick MacLeod to Donald MacPherson, 1837
Letter from Duncan to his father William
Mrs Inglis, Stellarton
Letter written by Harry King, 1840s to Henry Hatton, Pictou
James Alexander Ross, Arthur Merrell, Johnnie Oliver in 1941
Eva Barrie
Music book
Mrs A. D. McDonald, Toney River, Pictou, NS
Recorded at Stella Maris Church, Pictou
Genealogy of Evan Cameron and Marion MacLean page 1
Deed from Michael M'Culloch and wife to Thomas Paton
Home of Lewis Tattrie
A story printed in the Eastern Chronicle in 1902 regarding a possible ship wreck on Pictou Island in the 1840s.