Description Michael and Jane McCulloch, Thomas Paton, 1847

Deed From Michael M'Culloch and wife To Thomas Paton  

Province of Nova Scotia} Registrars Office Pictou 17 Aug. 1847 I do Certify that the within Instrument was Registered at 11 o clock A M of the above day in Liber 32 Folio 121 on the Certificate Robert S. Eakins, J.P.

Pursuant to Law

Peter Crerar Deputy Registrar (signature)

This Indenture made this Third day of July in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty seven. Between Michael M'Culloch of Yarmouth in the County of Yarmouth Esquire and Jane M'Culloch his wife of the one part and Thomas Paton Inspector of the Bank of British North America of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Michael M'Culloch and Jane his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred and Twenty Pounds lawful money of Nova Scotia to them in hand well and truly paid by the said Thomas Paton at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Have and each of them Hath granted bargained sold aliened enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents Do and each of them Doth grant bargain sell alien enfeoff and confirm unto the said Thomas Paton his heirs and assigns all the certain lot piece or parcel of land situate lying and being at the North side of the Harbour of Pictou bounded on the North by the new road leading from Pictou to the Town Gut on the East by lands formerly belonging to the late Reverand Doctor Thomas M'Culloch and on the West by lands belonging to the said Jane M'Culloch containing twenty eight acres more or less. Together with all and singular the houses outhouses barns stables buildings ways water watercources easements commodities priviliges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents issues and profits there of also all the right title estate property claim and demand of him the said Michael M'Culloch and of her the said Jane M'Culloch which he or she or either of them now Have or hereafter may Have to in and upon the same or any part thereof. To Have and To Hold the same with the appurtenances unto


unto the said Thomas Paton his heirs and assigns to his and their own proper use benefit and behoof for ever. And she the said Jane M'Culloch the wife of the said Michael M'Culloch hath assigned and relinquished and by these presents doth assign and relinquish all claim and righ of dower to and upon the said lot of land above described with the appurtenances unto the said Thomas Paton his heirs and assigns. And the said Michael M'Culloch for himself his heirs executors and administrators doth covenant promise and agree to and with the said Thomas Paton his heirs executors administrators and assigns in manner and form following that is to say that he the said Michael M'Culloch is and now stands seized of a good and sufficient estate of inheritance in fee simple of and in the lands and premises herein conveyed and that he has good right full power and lawful authority to grant sell and convey the same in manner and form as the same is herein and hereby conveyed or intended so to be. And that he the said Michael M'Culloch and his heirs the said lands and premises and every part thereof to the said Thomas Paton his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims and demands of all and every person or persons whomsoever shall and will for ever defend by these presents

In Witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto their hands and seals subscribed and set the day and year first above written Signed Sealed and Delivered In presence of R. Romans (signature) J B Muncey (signature) Robert S. Eakins (signature)} Michael M'Culloch (signature) Jane M'Culloch (signature)


Personally appeared before me the subscriber one of Her Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County of Yarmouth in Nova Scotia Jane M'Culloch wife of Michael M'Culloch in the foregoing deed of Indenture named who being by me examined separate and apart from her said husband acknowledged and declared that she signed seald and executed the foregoing deed of Indenture freely and voluntarily and without compulsion from her said husband and that she hath thereby relinquished and assigned her right of power in the real estate lands and tenements therein mentioned. Thus declared and acknowledged at Yarmouth in the County of Yarmouth this third day of July A.D 1847      

Robert S. Eakins J.P. (signature)

I Robert Sargent Eakings one of Her Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County of Yarmouth certify that on this third day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty seven Robert Romans of Yarmouth County of Yarmouth aforesaid appeared before me and being duly sworn made oath before me that the foregoing deed was duly executed signed sealed and delivered by Michael M'Culloch and Jane M'Culloch parties there to in the presence of the said Robert Romans who is a subscribing witness to the said deed

Robert Eakins J.P. (signature)

Received from the within named Thomas Paton the sum of Two Hundred and Twenty Pounds the full consideration money in the foregoing deed mentioned.

Michael M'Culloch (signature)

File Location

vault, 1b2

File number: 17D-11415M
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: , Thomas McCulloch, Pictou, Jane McCulloch, Michael McCulloch, Thomas Paton, document, legal, acres, property
Views: 679
Uploaded on: October 7, 2016

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