Description School Register, Cross Roads 1895

Pupils attending Cross Roads School and the name and address of their parent or guardian.

  1. Ira S MacLeod, Mr J C MacLeod, Rogers Hill
  2. John James MacLeod, Mr J C MacLeod, Rogers Hill
  3. Annie Estella MacKay, Mr David MacKay, S. Station
  4. Letitia May MacKay, Mr Daniel MacKay, S. Station
  5. Maggie Barbara Porteous, Mr. Daniel MacKay, S. Station
  6. Ethel Berta MacConnell, Mr P MacConnell, S. Station
  7. Hannah Mabel MacLeod, Mr J C MacLeod, Rogers Hill
  8. Mabel May Robley, Mr Isaac Robley, Durham
  9. Clarence Earl MacLean, Mrs J MacLean, Scotsburn Station
  10. De Witt MacLean, Mrs. J MacLean, Scotsburn Station
  11. Lena T. Rae, Miss M B Rae, Scotsburn Station
  12. Albert Silas MacLellan, Mr James D MacLellan, R. Hill
  13. Maggie Rena MacLean, Mrs J MacLean, S. Station
  14. Robert Stewart, Mr Robert Stewart, Roger Hill
  15. Margaret Edna Nash, Mr Neil Matheson, S. Station
  16. Walter Ross, Mr William Ross, Rogers Hill
  17. Johnie MacLean, Mr John D Matheson, S. Station
  18. George Matheson, Mr John D. Matheson, S. Station
  19. Herdman Henderson, Mr Isaac Robley, Durham
  20. Lexie Annie Murray, Mr John MacLean, S. Station
  21. John Fraser Ross, Mr William Ross, Rogers Hill
  22. Robert Colin Jackson, Mr Charles McLellan, Rogers Hill

Teacher: May M. Ross

File number: SRCR1895
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: , Rogers Hill, student, students, class, age, children, enrollment, enrolled, grade, year, month, day, attendance, birthday, West Pictou
Views: 788
Uploaded on: October 28, 2016

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