Group gathered with dog and horses
Death notice printed in the Eastern Chronicle of Mattio, 1874.
John H McKay, born in Plainfield, Pictou County to John McKay and Barbara McLean, was the principal of River John schools and the collector of Inland Revenue, Pictou.
A letter to Mother dated 28 Feb 1909
Baby sitting for photograph.
A page from "Great Stars of the American Stage" by Daniel Blum, copyright 1952.
Students sitting at their desks, West End School, Pictou
Doctors note for liquor
View of St. Andrews Street and Kinnear Street
School children gathered behind West End School, Pictou
Shipping news reported in the Mechanic & Farmer for 10 August 1842.
Unidentified man
Photo postcard
Post Card
Front page article in Pictou Advocate regarding sinking of the Empress of Ireland. Also short mention of trial re murder of Dr. Charles Robinson.
Record of births, deaths and marriages transcribed from family bible.
photocopy of portrait
Cora McRae born 5 December 1868 to John McRae and Mary (Robertson)(Robson)McRae of Toney River, Pictou County, Nova Scotia.
Team photo
Two men posing for photograph.