Description Letter

North Amherst, Mass

Feb. 28, 1909

Dearest Mother:

            The blue-birds arrived yesterday, fore-runners of spring.  We have had a winter very much like yours, only that we have not had it as far below zero.  It feels just as cold though and I understand that it often drops farther below zero here than any where in Nova Scotia.  Sandy has been very well all winter, till last night when he suddenly got cranky. He is better today though and is at his mischief again.  Ross is as hale and hearty as can be.  I am sure I wrote to John but shall write right now.  I am not sorry Charlie Tanner was beaten.  Some of the people in Pictou, notably Armstrong, tried to persuade me that Tanner was a changed man since his daughter died, and that he was whole hearted for Prohibition.  I heard him when in tow with his Tory cronies, Bill Cameron and the rest and I know he was bluffing.  On Washington's birthday a number of the Faculty went for a tramp up the North and South Sugar Loaf and along a ridge of the Hills then back to South Deerfield, where we had supper at a hotel and then rode back by trolley. You will remember the massacre of Deerfield as told in our old histories.  There is quite a museum there, but it is not kept open in winter, so I must go back again to see it. The works goes on the same old way.  Friday night we had another College night; when representatives of the Trustees, Alumni, Faculty and the State Legislature take supper with the student body in Draper Hall.  The supper is followed by musical numbers and addresses.  Prof Sears spoke for the faculty and did himself credit.  Mr. Bowker, a wealthy business man of Boston, a member of the first class to graduate and a trustee of the college, spoke for the trustees.  They are most enjoyable affairs and I think do a great deal to promote good feeling between the student body and the officers of the institition. Sandy is crawling all over me so I can hardly write. 

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File number: 2015-10-19d
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: North Amherst, Massachusetts, 1909, prohibition, Tory, Sugar Loaf, Deerfield
Views: 805
Uploaded on: October 21, 2015

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