Description West End School 1923

Inside the classroom of Grade 2 & 3 at the West End School in Pictou in 1923.

It was located on the corner of Willow and Church Streets where the fenced in monument now commemorates it. It was originally the "Old College" or the first Pictou Academy and served in this historic capacity from 1816-1880.

Thomas McCulloch could view the finial from the peak of the schools tower from his kitchen window in his home.

When a larger Pictou Academy was erected, it became an elementary school, with grades 1-8, from 1886-1930. The building was removed in 1932. The Pictou Fire Hall is now located on this site.

In the photo there must have been brilliant sunshine, as all the blinds appear to have been pulled down, hence the light and dark areas of the picture.

The teacher is barely visible at the rear of the classroom, standing beside the chimney. She was Miss Jean Dickson of Pictou.

Note the double desks and the long stove pipe held up by wire from the ceiling. Heat came from a "pot belly" stove which burned coal.

The pupils have not been identified.

File Location

Don MacIsaac Photo Collection

File number: 87-55-61-21
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: students, West End School, Pictou, desk, Old College, Pictou Academy, 1923, Elementary, Jean Dickson
Views: 887
Uploaded on: February 12, 2015
Source: Don MacIsaac Collection

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