Surnames beginning with F
Cabinet Card
Molly Hansen
Grades 2 and 3, East End School
Native American family working on fishing net
The Ridpath name and family tree
Men lined up
Bond between brothers James and John Sutherland of Barney's River, 1838
Headstone for Sarah Luke who died in 1835.
Minnesota State Teachers Certificate
University Graduation
W H Harris
Carte-de-Visite of unknown man.
Pictou Y.M.C.A. and Pictou Post Office
War Monument in Westville
Members of the Pugh family of England and Loch Broom, NS
Letter written by John Geddie from Charlottetown, PEI to Rev. Mr. Sedgewick, 1865
Lilly and her horse
Photo of Mrs Catherine Marshall Douglas. Great grandmother of Hazel Gertrude Macdonald. Died 1914
Genealogy of Alexander Fraser, Senior and Marion Campbell
Douglas/Macdonald Family, New Glasgow
First Pictou Academy and West End School