John MacKenzie
Harris Homestead
Janie Douglass Pooley
Cameron family history by Rev. Angus Hugh Cameron written in 1902
Relinquishment of possession and claim to Lot No 9, 3rd Division, Toney River Estate, 6 December 1855
Members of the Pugh family of England and Loch Broom, NS
Biography of pioneer William Campbell from Argyll, Scotland to Glengarry, Nova Scotia
Calendar for 1938
Receipt, 1814
Members of the Pugh family, England and Loch Broom, NS
Young gentleman
The Duke of Connaught and Princess Patricia
Kenneth MacKenzie
Minutes of meetings
John A. Anderson and Harold Johnson
Pictou Advocate article on Steve Toney
ferry boat
Mrs Dan. MacDonald, Toney River, Pictou Co, Nova Scotia
Obituary taken from the Eastern Chronicle 1862
Commemorative plaque presented to Babe Ruth
Compiled genealogy of Finlay McDonald his wife Ann and their descendants.