Description Dawson School Class Photo 1932

Grade 7 students of the Central School in Pictou in 1932. 

From left, front row: Olive Fraser, Allison Andrews, Gertrude MacLeod, Margaret MacDonald, Janet MacFarlane, Vera Payne, Gertrude MacDonald and Doris Roach.

Second row: Olive Anderson, Dorothy Hayward, Norma Harper, Annabelle MacNeil, Catherine Matheson, Mary Shaw, Pearl Murphy, Louise Robertson, Betty MacPhail and Betty Ferguson.

Third row: Norman Freeman, Meagher Grant, Annie Shea, Jean Newhook, Margaret Pope, Geraldine Perry, Amelia Hemmings, Tom Bethune and Frank MacLean.

Fourth row: Allister Irving, Vernon Heighton, Dan Hemmings, Jack MacNeill, George Morrison, Orvis MacNeill, Edward MacArthur, Lloyd Fraser and Alvin Leadbetter.

Fifth row: Leith Veniot, George Adamson, Fred English, Arnold MacKean, Don MacIsaac and Albert Robertson. 

Their teacher was Miss Ada S. MacDonald. 

File Location

DM, Photo Cabinet, Drawer #4

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