Border Crossing ID Card
Sundridge students and teacher 1905
Grades 2 and 3, East End School
Obituaries for Thomas Bruce Wilson, Mrs Annie Chisholm, David William MacKay and Dr. James A MacKenzie
Indenture between John McGregor, Alexander Forbes and John McDonald, all of Merigomish, 1828
Bickers family of Caribou River, Pictou County, Nova Scotia
List of pupils
Young boy posing for photograph.
Records of deaths commencing 1st January 1864
Postcard album, Graham family of Rogers Hill, c 1910
First Maritime Convention
Cabinet card of unidentified man.
Episode Nine
Letter dated 23 October, 1900 to Annie A Matheson
Letter from James Cameron to his sister and brother, dated April 1817.
Maud and Gerte MacDonald of Pictou
Douglas family
Town of Pictou lots
Annie MacKenzie Matheson
West End School, Grade 6and 8, 1915-1916
Letter written to Harriet Campbell from Anne MacDougall MacKay dated 13 April, 1826.
Walter, Margaret, New Glasgow house, McKay brothers