Description James Cameron Letter

Glacknahain April, 1817

Dear sister and brother

We received your letters both which gave us great joy that you were in good health.  I understand from yourself and from Angus that I would do very good there to keep school and on your first letter you will let me know what I would get yearly.  I would wish to understand is a clear land that Angus have bought there or not your Aunt at Failey Margaret*--- daughter little Jane was buried about Christmas last.  Angus have told to me in his letter that he would give me no encouragement to go there till ---  he would get himself in order and if I was --- I tell you before what I would get there  --- --- surely* if god would give me the opportunity I would go to that country I would wish to --- the rest of the men that go over --- you --- Mr Parson in Anisak* Thomas Ruiseharack* --- wishing to get out what a kind o land that Captain Chisholm have bought there for the purpose to lend* some of his friends  --- the country are in the same way and manner as you left it.  I have no more today at present but your Mother and the rest of all the friends send you their ---.            I am your kind and loving brother till death                                                                                James Cameron

 (written in pencil on photocopied letter beside signature - This is Jane Cameron's brother, Angus Ban's brother in law)


To Mr Angus Cameron                                                                          East River Set Mary to ---                                                                    Care of Mr Thomas Cameron                                                               McLellans Mountain                                                                              East River Pictou

--- --- paid postage                                                                              five  shillings & --- pence


                  32                                                                                          2. Bolls 32                                                                                                      16

Bar  2 Bolls and half

Oat  2 Bolls and half



File Location

vault, original material, box #3

File number: 77-85b
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: East River Saint Marys, East River St Mary's, 1817, James Cameron, Parson, Captain Chisholm, Thomas Cameron, Jane Cameron, Angus Cameron
Views: 898
Uploaded on: February 25, 2016
Source: Ruth Cameron and Jean Cameron

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