Margaret Shortt, Pictou 1924
Portrait of young man.
John R Mcdonald, his wife Margaret and two of their children
Headstone inscriptions of Kenneth Fraser, Alexander Fraser and Ann Blaikie
Four seat folding bench
Cabinet Card
Vital stats for David McFarlane and Janet Webster McFarlane
Marriages and deaths reported in The Colonial Patriot, January 4, 1828.
The Pictonian
Hatch family in Pictou, NS
Arthur Little
Hand cranked sewing machine
Gladys Matheson
Oil painting by P G Kenny
Annie Agnes McMaster Sellers, Abel Sellers and their children
Short history on families and community
Pine Hill College, 1922
Centennial Celebration program for Prince Street Church
Receipts from Elizabeth C McKenzie dated 20 September 1887.
Cape John shore
store, gas station and post office
Members of the Pugh family of England and Loch Broom, NS
Johnny Oliver and James Alexander Ross