Description The Colonial Patriot

Printed in the Colonial Patriot on January 4, 1828,


On the 20th ult. at the East River, by the Rev. Mr. McGilvery, Mr. Alexander Fraser, of Fishing Pools, to Miss Christy, second dauther to Mr. D. Cameron. 

At Truro, on the 1st inst. by the Rev. John Waddel, Mr. Matthew A. 4th son of James M'Curdy, Esq. of Onslow, to Miss Eliza, eldest daughter of Mr. Samuel Archibald 3d, of that place.


On Sunday last, in the 45th year of his age, Mr. William Rankine, merchant, a native of the parish of Slamanen, Stirlingshire, Scotland; much and justly regretted by all who knew him.

At Halifax, on Sunday last, after a short and severe illness, at his residence in Poplar Grove, John Starr, Esq. member of Assembly for the County of Kings, in the 53d year of his age.  By this solemn and melancholy event his family have been deprived of an afftectionate husband and indulgent father; numerous connections of one to whom the invarably looked up for counsel and assistnace; the poor of a benevolent friend; and the community of a magistrate who was distinquished for the zealous and conscientious performance of his public duties.  To the bereaved it affords great consolation that his dying hours were brightened by a blissful and assured hope of eternal happiness.

Same day, after a short illness, Mr. Andrew D. Russel, merchant, aged 36 years.

Of the yellow fever, at New Orleans, on the 22d of October last, Capt. Eliphaz Hibbard, of the ship David Cannon, of Liverpool, England.  Capt. Hibbard for many years sailed betwixt Liverpool and this port, in a regular trader.  He was of an amiable disposition, a much esteemed by all who knew him.  He was a native of Massachusets. 


File Location

vault, microfilm #9, #047

File number: CP04011828p39
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: mosquito, virus, McCurdy, MacCurdy, McGillivary, McGillvary
Views: 722
Uploaded on: March 2, 2016
Source: The Colonial Patriot

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