| Will of Alexander Gibson of Pictou, NS Copy of Will of Alexander Gibson of Pictou, NS, Yeoman | Alexander Gibson of Pictou Yeoman 1875 Helen Gibson Clarence Primrose Howard Primrose 1891 | | |
| Will of William B. Henderson of Pictou, NS Copy of Will of William B. Henderson of Pictou, NS, Master Ship Builder | William B. Henderson of Pictou Master Ship Builder Mary Henderson 1872 Clarence Primrose 1882 Howard Primrose Daniel Dickson 1883 | | |
| Primrose Map Plan of Howard Primrose's property (and its division) on Grange Street, dividing the land to James Primrose, Howard, A.C. McDonald, Ewen C. Henderson, and Peter Fraser. | map Primrose Howard Primrose James Primrose A.C. McDonald McDonald Peter Fraser Fraser Ewen C. Henderson Henderson Grange Street Pictou | | |
| Land Compensation from Intercolonial Railway An offer of $8000 in 1905 for land along the Primrose (Clarence, Howard, and James) Front Street Properties from the Intercolonial Railway, declined by the Primroses. | railway Primrose Howard Primrose Clarence Primrose James Primrose Pictou Front Street letter legal letter | | |
| Will of James Primrose, Pictou, NS Copy of Will of James Primrose, Pictou, NS, Merchant | James Primrose of Pictou Merchant Nancy Stevenson Clarence Primrose Howard Primrose James Primrose Jr. Alexander Primrose 1880 1882 | | |
| Map of properties near Denoon Street Plan to subdivide land owned by Isaac A. Grant, dated March 2nd, 1874 | Isaac A. Grant Pictou Denoon Street map James S Garvin James Fraser Alexander Campbell William McMaster James Mainland Donald Smith Domald Smith Ellen Connell James Connell A.P. Ross Thomas Rae Johnathan W. Campbell Colin McDonald Allan Steele Johnathan William Gordon Clarence Primrose Howard Primrose | | |