Members of the Pugh family of England and Loch Broom, NS
Receipt, 1814
Photo postcard
Young gentleman
Members of the Pugh family, England and Loch Broom, NS
Printed in the Pictou Advocate
Kenneth MacKenzie
The Duke of Connaught and Princess Patricia
John A. Anderson and Harold Johnson
Land owners along the east and middle river of Abercrombie Point
Pictou Advocate article on Steve Toney
Mrs Dan. MacDonald, Toney River, Pictou Co, Nova Scotia
ferry boat
Commemorative plaque presented to Babe Ruth
The Hon. Charles Elliott Tanner
Matilda Ross MacLean MacRae, John MacRae, Norman MacRae
Alexander McKay
Unidentifed woman
Postcard to Mrs Annie Matheson from her brother Roy
Christianna MacKay Fraser
Central School class photo
W H Harris Inquest
Maud and Gerte MacDonald of Pictou