Description School Register, New Glasgow, East Pictou, 1917-1918

School Register, New Glasgow, East Pictou, 1917-1918       



Name of pupil and the name and address of their parent or guardian.

  1. Thomas Robert Smith, Mr Chas B Smith, Merigomish Rd
  2.  John Allister MacLeod, Mr John R MacLeod, S Albert St
  3. John Andrew Morrison, Mr James Morrison, Glasgow St
  4. James Sutherland Morrison, Mr James Morrison, Glasgow St
  5. Basil Reginald Killingworth, Mr H Killingworth, Washington St
  6. James Henry Smith, Mr Joseph Smith, South Albert St
  7. Ralph Lockhart, Mr Sidney Lockhart, Campbell St
  8. Arthur Daniel Tattrie, Mr George L Tattrie, Pleasant St
  9. George C Theodore Connell, Mr Jess Connell, Temperance St
  10. Ivan Victor Davidson, Mr Alex Davidson, Pleasant St
  11. Fannie Etta Toba Goodman, Mr Harry Goodman, East River Road
  12. Nellie Mabel Linden, Mr William Linden, Washington
  13. Nora Grace Word, Mr HA Ward, East River Road
  14. Ethel Clair Waugh, Mr John A Waugh, James St
  15. Harry Kristal, Mr P Kristal, Brother St
  16. Moris Kristal, Mr Philip Kristal, Brother St
  17. Arthur Killingworth, Mr AH Killingworth, Washing
  18. Frederick LeRoy Stanger, Mr GS Stanger, Albert St
  19. Gordon Hamilton, Mr M Hamilton, Chisholm
  20. Hyman Joseph Goodman, Mr H Goodman, East River
  21. Lloyd MacGillivray, Mrs E MacGillivray, Donald
  22. Athol Grant Stewart, Mr Wm Stewart, Merigomish
  23. Stanley Holcomb Fish, Mr WH Fish, Parkdale
  24. Russell S Verge, Mr RE Verge, East River Rd
  25. Viola May Forbes, Mr Clarence Forbes, Frederick
  26. Mary Elizabeth MacLean, Mr John R MacLean
  27. Althea Fatima Murdock, Mr GH Murdock, McDonald
  28. Florence May Graham, Mr Marshall Graham, Temperance
  29. Alma Diamond, Mr Wm Diamond, Nelson
  30. Margaret MacKaracher, Mr Laurence McKaracher
  31. Lila May MacDonald, Mr Thomas McDonald
  32. Clara Maud Stevens, Mrs J Stevens, Temperance
  33. Gertrude Eunice Stevens, Mrs J Stevens, Temperance
  34. Maxwell Otley, Mrs GS Otley, McDonald St
  35. Kathleen Otley, Mr GS Otley, McDonald St
  36. Mary Katherine Faulkner, Mr J Faulknerm, Water St
  37. Jean Muriel MacLean, Mr James McLean, Marsh St
  38. Thomas Edward Mills, Mr Lemuel Mills, Marsh St
  39. Alexander McLaren, Mr John McLaren
  40. Dorothy Eliza Mills, Mr Lemuel Mills, Marsh St
  41. Jessie Alma Murphy, Mr EG Murphy, Washington
  42. Rosie Belle Sponagle, Mr George Sponagle, South
  43. Gertie Bertha Brown, Mr George Brown, Fredere
  44. Roy Layton Dickson, Mr Evan Dickson, McDonald
  45. Alice Maude Horton, Mr Milton Horton, Pine Street
  46. Mary Corr Bell, Dr John Bell, Temperance St
  47. Lester Gunn Sutherland, Mrs Mary Sutherland, Nelson
  48. Gordon Douglas Paris, Mrs Bessie Paris, Marsh St
  49. William MacInnis, James St
  50. Stillman MacConnell, Mrs McConnell, Frederick St
  51. Ruth MacLeod, Mrs Macleod, Forbes St
  52. Elizabeth Oliver, Mr Oliver, East River Road

Alternate Details

Teacher:  Eva Mac Lean

File number: SRNG(4)1917-1918
Contributor:    Christine Parada | View all submissions
Tags: New Glasgow, East Pictou, student, students, class, age, enrollment, enrolled, grade, year, month, day, attendance, birthday, Section No. 57
Views: 196
Uploaded on: June 15, 2023

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