Description School Register, New Glasgow, East Pictou, 1917-1918

Name of pupil and the name and address of their parent or guardian.

  1. Mary May Joseph, Mr Charles G Joseph, Albion St
  2. Elsie Lillian Lilley, Mr Gustus Lilley, Albion St
  3. Marion Louise McLadden, Mr Wm & McLadden, Bell St
  4. Muriel EdithDavenport, Mr Daniel E Davenport, Maple Ave
  5. Olivia Alice Curnew, Mrs Geo W Curnew, Elem St
  6. Jean Cullen Logan, Mr Archie Nicholson, Willow Ave
  7. Susie Kathleen Langley, Mr John M Langley, Willow Ave
  8. Edna Muriel Henderson, Mr Wm Henderson, Abercrombie Rd
  9. Evelyn Ariel Moore, Mr AS Moore, Maple Ave
  10. Ethel Irene Blois, Mr Wm Blois, Abercrombie Rd
  11. Margaret Austine, Mr H Austin, Albion St
  12. Myrole Louise MacNeil, Mrs Anna MacNeil, Edgerton St
  13. Alice Sarah Murphy, Mr Thomas Murphy Terrace St
  14. Myrtle Maud Slater, Mr Lureman Slater, Westville Rd
  15. Alice Laurena Slater, Mr George Slater, Edgerton St
  16. Robert Henry Marshall, Mr Robert Marshall, Munro Ave
  17. William Sinclair Munro, Mrs Hugh Munro, Stellarton Rd
  18. John Robert  Bebbs, Mr Kenzie Bebbs, Albion St
  19. Cecil Earle Johnson, Mr Robert L Johnson, Abercrombie Rd
  20. William Archibald McKay, Mr Wm J McKay, Abercrombie Rd
  21. Arthur Daniel Fraser, Mr Wm Fraser, Abercrombie Rd
  22. Herman Joseph Brimmer, Mr Herman Grimmer
  23. Andrew James McKay, Mr George
  24. Allister MacDonald, Mr Rod
  25. Billougby Ewart Fraser, Mr James
  26. Douglas Logan Gordon, Mr James
  27. James David MacInnis, Mr Ronald
  28. John Curtis Smith, Mr Jacob
  29. Warren Benjamin Horne, Mr Charles
  30. Harvey Gilmour Cameron, Mrs Frank
  31. Cameron Crowell, Mrs Wm Crowell
  32. Frederick William Hemphill, Mr Wm
  33. Donald Earl McPherson, Mr Kenneth
  34. George Edmund Moore, Mr AS Moore
  35. Earl Roderick Christine, Mr Peter Christ
  36. Clifford Irving Barkhouse, Mr Joshua
  37. Frank earl Scott, Mr Walter
  38. George Frederick McLean
  39. Reginald Arthur McCallum
  40. Ada Murden McDonald
  41. Annie Elizabeth Smith
  42. Mary Catherine Forbes
  43. Eileen Almira Cameron
  44. Annie Lorimer
  45. Jessie Agnes Christie
  46. Hazel Mildred Milligan
  47. Jean McDonald
  48. Helen Smith
  49. Frank Vincent
  50. Marjorie
  51. Mary
  52. Melvin
  53. Jean


Alternate Details

Teacher:  Bertha Maude Philip

Inspector and Other School Officers:  EL Armstrong

File number: SRNG(3)1917-1918
Contributor:    Christine Parada | View all submissions
Tags: New Glasgow, East Pictou, student, students, class, age, enrollment, enrolled, grade, year, month, day, attendance, birthday, Section No. 57
Views: 192
Uploaded on: June 15, 2023

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