Description School Register, Meiklefield, East Pictou, 1916-1917

Name of pupil and the name and address of their parent or guardian.

  1. Annie May McCulloch, Hector MacCulloch, Meiklefield
  2. Viola Vera McCulloch, Hector MacCulloch, Meiklefield
  3. Elizabeth Irene McCulloch, Nector MacCulloch, Meiklefield
  4. Christena Robertson Ross, John A Ross, Meiklefeild
  5. Arthur Louis McCulloch, DW MacCulloch, Meiklefield
  6. James Alfred McCulloch, DW MacCulloch, Meiklefield
  7. Alvin Edward MacInnes, JW MacInnes,  Meiklefield
  8. Frederick Edwin McCulloch, Jas W MacCulloch
  9. Clarence Elmer Meikle, Jas D Meikle, Meiklefield
  10. Frank Leslie Jobb Meikle, Jas D Meikle, Meiklefield
  11. James Albert McCulloch, Jas W MacCulloch, Meiklefield
  12. Lydia Jane McCulloch, Hector MacCulloch, Meiklefield
  13. Edward McDonald Sutherland, JA Fraser, Meiklefield
  14. Gordon McCulloch, Jas W MacCulloch, Meiklefield
  15. Christena Ann MacCulloch, DW MacCulloch, Meiklefield

Alternate Details

Teacher:  Mary Hazel Blair

Trustees and Secretary: JW MacCulloch, DS Kennedy,  DW MacCulloch, Jas D Meikle

Other Visitors: Katherine M Ross, John K Blair, May S McCulloch, Katherine Ross, Mrs DW MacCulloch, Miss B MacCulloch, Jean MacCulloch

File number: SRMF1916-1917
Contributor:    Christine Parada | View all submissions
Tags: Meiklefeild, East Pictou, student, students, class, age, enrollment, enrolled, grade, year, month, day, attendance, birthday, Section No. 57
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Uploaded on: May 26, 2023

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