Description School Register, New Glasgow, Grade 7th, 1918-1919

Name of pupil and the name and address of their parent or guardian.

  1. Russell Robert Knight
  2. Freeman A Paris, Mrs Rosie Pares, Granville St
  3. Micheal Raymond Murphy, Mr James Murphy, River St
  4. Daniel Grant  McDonald, Mr John A McDonald, McDonald St
  5. Patricia States, Rev Wm States Washington St
  6. Mary Catherine Milley, Mr John Milley, So George St
  7. Wilda Jean Payne, Mr Wm R Payne, McCall St
  8. Lillian JohnSton, Mr Johnston McDonald St
  9. Helen Mildred Wolfe, Mr Howard Wolfe Albert St
  10. Katherine Florence Wolfe, Mr Howard Wolfe Albert St
  11. Bertha Ellen Malcolm, Mr Michael Malcolm, McDonald St
  12. Robert Allen, Mr Frank Allen, James St
  13. Wilfred Elmer McMillan, Mr Boxter McMillan, Chisholm St
  14. Ronald Fraser, Mr Fraser
  15. Cora Helen McKenzie, Mr chas G MaKenzie, Marsh St
  16. Florence Amelia MaKenzie, Mr Chas G MaKenzie, Marsh St
  17. Doris Hadley, Mrs Hadley, James St
  18. Roberta Anna Fraser, Mr Daniel Fraser, Marsh St
  19. Florence McCulloch, Mrs McCulloch Archimedes St
  20. Jean McCulloch, Mrs McCulloch, Archimedes St
  21. Mildred Beatrice Lamey, James Alexander Lamey Douglas St
  22. Margaret Betts, Mrs Newman Betts, McDonald St
  23. John Davidson, Mrs JD Davidson
  24. Fanny Gadson, Mrs Gasdsdon
  25. Gordon McPherson, Mr McPherson, Marsh St
  26. James William Betts, Mrs Robt Betts, Glasgow St
  27. Raymond McNaughten, Mr Chas mcNaughten, Glasgow St
  28. Charles McNaughten, Mr Chas McNaughten, Glasgow St
  29. Helen Ethel Lucas, Mr John Lucas
  30. Sarah rogers, Mr James Rogers, Park Dale
  31. Nellie Julian Gordon, Mrs Donald Gordon, Water St
  32. James Isaac Sponagle, Mr Alfred Sponagle, So George St
  33. Robert Sponagle, Mr Alfred Sponagle, So George St
  34. Minnie Samuel, Mr Sam Samuel, So George St
  35. Ailein Dee, Mr James Dee Washington St
  36. Mary Bell Gordon, Mr Samuel Gordon, James St
  37. Helen Grace Maud Allen, Mr Alfred Allen, Ann St
  38. Katherine Butler Robson, Mr WA Robson, Albert St
  39. Marjorie Jean McCallum, Mr Lauchlin McCallum, Granville St
  40. Angus Francis Murphy, Mr James Murphy, River St
  41. William Purvas, Mr Edward Purvas, Parkdale
  42. Elizabeth Wilson, Mrs Marion Wilson, So George St
  43. Mary Wilson, Mrs Marion Wilson, So George St
  44. George Herbert Fraser, Wm W Fraser, Grant St
  45. Annie Isabel Fraser, Wm W Fraser, Grant St
  46. Ross Hickens, Mrs Gertrude Hickens Washington
  47. James H Hickens, Mrs Gertrude Hickens Washington
  48. Edith Agnes Callahan, Mrs James Rogers, Ann St
  49. Velma Maude Battije, Mrs Battije, Parkdale
  50. EvelynWinifred Louise Allen, Mrs Alfred Allen Ann St
  51. James Albert Paris, Mrs Rosie Paris, East River Rd
  52. Margaret McLean, Mr Frank McLean, So Albert St
  53. Frances Caroline Dobson, Frank R Dobson, McDonald
  54. Leonard Timothy McQuarrie, Mr Daniel H McQuarrie, 286 Marsh St
  55. John Parker McQuarrie, Mr Daniel H McQuarrie, 286 Marsh St
  56. Charles Herbert Johnston, Mr Chas Johnston, Merigomish
  57. James Thieubalt, Mr James Thieubalt
  58. Muriel Sponagle, Mr George, Sponagle, Parkdale
  59. Marjorie McDonald, Mrs McDonald, Chisholm St
  60. Daniel Chisholm, Mrs Daniel Fraser, Marsh St
  61. Georgina, McDonald Fraser, Mr Daniel Fraser, Marsh St
  62. Mary Marjorie, mcDonald, mr John A McDonald
  63. Emery Robertson, Mr Robertson

Alternate Details

Teacher:  Annie Isabel Rose

Inspector and Other School Officers:  EL Armstrong

File number: SRNGG718-19
Contributor:    Christine Parada | View all submissions
Tags: New Glasgow, East Pictou, student, students, class, age, enrollment, enrolled, grade, year, month, day, attendance, birthday
Views: 191
Uploaded on: April 24, 2023

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