Description School Register, New Glasgow, 1918-1919

Name of pupil and the name and address of their parent or guardian.

  1. Alexander Miller MacKay, Dr HH MacKay, Temperance St
  2. Roy Crosby, Mr Roswald R Crosby, Temperance St
  3. William Lloyd Stewart, Mr William Stewart, Merigomish Rd
  4. Ralph Delaney, Mrs Raymond Delany, Fraser St
  5. Harold Stiles MacGregor, Mr Lewis MacGregor, Acadia St
  6. Thomas Robert Smith, Mr Charles Smith, Merigomish
  7. Edward Barrett, Mr John A Barrett, Albert St
  8. Clarence Miller Barrett, Mr John A Barret, Albert St
  9. John Smith, Mr Sidney Smith, Almont Ave
  10. Alexander Sylvester McGillivray, Mr Chas McGillivray, Brookside Ave
  11. Thomas Edward Mills, Mr Samuel Mills, Marsh St
  12. Arthur Taplin, Mrs Annie Taplin, Carleton St
  13. Russel Shannon Verge, Mr RE Verge, George St
  14. Almond Fraser Roulston, Mr GL Roulston, Robertson St
  15. Lloyd MacPhee MacGillivray, Mrs Angus MacGillivray, Little Harbour
  16. Thomas Aquinas Francis, Mr Joseph Francis, Acadia St
  17. Oscar Jensen, Mr Abraham L. Jensen, Frederick St
  18. David Sinclair Munro, Mr George Munro Forbes St
  19. Graham Stevens, Mrs A Stevens, MacDonald St
  20. Hugh Cook, Mr WA Cook, South Albert St
  21. John Kelly Johnston, Rev R Johnston, Temperance St
  22. George Elwood McPherson, Mr Angus McPherson, Lorne St
  23. Mary Estelle Yorston, Mr Harry Yorston, MacKay St
  24. Minnie Isabel Cameron, Mr Evan Cameron, Mountain Rd
  25. Ruth Elliott Smith, Mr Sydney Smith, Almont Ave
  26. Jean Weir Reeves, Mr William Reeves, Mountain Rd
  27. Edna May Rogers, Mr HW Rogers Lorne St
  28. Marjorie Barlow, Mr James Barlow, MacDonald St
  29. Jean Muriel MacLean, Mr James MacLean, Marsh St
  30. Mildred amy Emman, Mr Alexander Emman, Merigomish St
  31. Alice MacNeil, Mr Frank McNeil, Glasgow St
  32. Annie Maria Scals Smith, Mr George Smith, Almont Ave
  33. Laura Elston Smith, Mr Sydney G Smith, Brookside Ave
  34. Mary Kathleen Johnston, Rev Robt Johnston, Temperance St
  35. Clara Maud Stevens, Mrs Jennice Stevens, Temperance St
  36. Mary Catherine Cameron, Mr John J Cameron, Mountain Rd
  37. Gertrude Stevens, Mrs Jennie Stevens, Temperance St
  38.  Elsie Mildred Copeland, Mr John D Copeland, Archimedes St
  39. Muriel Maria Bawden, Mr Joseph Bowden, Marsh St
  40. Watson Bowen, Mr George W Bowen, Little Harbor Rd
  41. Ruth MacKay Sutherland, Mr Alexander Sutherland, Albert St
  42. John burns Murray, Mr Robert B Murray, Mr Rd
  43. Alexander James Murray, Mr Robert B Murray, Mt Rd

Alternate Details

Teacher:  Eliza Irene MacPherson

Trustees and Secretary: McLeod

File number: SRNewG1918-1919
Contributor:    Christine Parada | View all submissions
Tags: New Glasgow, East Pictou, student, students, class, age, enrollment, enrolled, grade, year, month, day, attendance, birthday
Views: 198
Uploaded on: April 24, 2023

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