Description School Register, New Glasgow, 1918-1919

Name of pupil and the name and address of their parent or guardian.

  1. John Hugh McLeod, Jr McLeod, Brookside Avenue
  2. Hugh Asmond Fraser, Thos C fraser, Trenton Road
  3. Charles Walter McKinnon, EW McKinnon, Temperance St
  4. Thomas Clark Sedawick, WM Sedawick, Alexander St
  5. Roy Logan Sipprell, JG Sipprell, Lorne St
  6. Frederic Robertson Townsend, Dr Geo Townsend, Mountain Road
  7. Harold Morton Gerry, DR Gerry, Frasers Mt
  8. Andrew Murray Scott, EG Scott, Almont Ave
  9. Lillian Irene Earle, Wm Earle Provost St
  10. Jessie Tryphena Earle, Wm Earle, Provost St
  11. Virginia Marietta Layton, BA Layton, Lorne St
  12. Elsie Christena McEachern, A McEachern, Norma St
  13. Arthur George Mamy, Henry Mamy, Provost St
  14. Andrew Glenroy McDonald, D McDonald, Branch St
  15. Alexander Trough Kerr, Robt H Kerr, Brookside Ave
  16. Carmen Ray Myatt, Leonard Myatt, Trenton Road
  17. Harold Raymond Delaney, Mrs R Delaney, Fraser St
  18. Katherine Isabel Gass, HR Gass, Townsend Ave
  19. Dolly Jane Wright, Mrs WJ Wright, Mountain Road
  20. Helen Audrey Purtill, DJ Purtill, Brookside Ave
  21. Norman McIntosh, A McDonald, Almont Avenue
  22. Arthur Gordon Cooper, Geo T Cooper, Hunter St
  23. Marjorie Florence McLaggan, CE McLaggan, George St
  24. Elizabeth Elston Crockett, CM Crockett, Fraser St
  25. Francis Aileen Ross, Rev HA Ross, Brookside Ave
  26. Margaret Florence McEachern, A McEachern, Norma St
  27. Helen Sarle Ross, Mrs CD Ross, Summit Ave
  28. Marjorie Elizabeth Innes, Wm B Innes, Aberdeen St
  29. Mary Isabell Robertson, Andrew S Robertson, Fraser St
  30. Georgina Dunsmuir Henderson, TG Stewart, Corner High St and Acadia St
  31. Hazel Irene Johnston, Mrs Peter Johnson, Branch St
  32. Alexander Robertson, JD Robertson, Lorne St
  33. Donald Neil Sutherland, Mrs Hugh Sutherland, Archimedes St
  34. Reginald McDonald, Harris McDonald, Lorne St
  35. Robie Ruggles Porter, Rev BJ Porter Temperance St
  36. Alice Maude Randall, Roy A Randall, Forbes St
  37. Elizabeth Foster McGregor, Mrs Margaret, McGregor, James St
  38. Sarah Izella Mcintosh, Alex A McIntosh, Lorne St
  39. Myrtle Crosby, RR Crosby, Kempt St
  40. Anne Elizabeth Bell, Dr J Bell, Temperance St
  41. Janet Katherine McCann, Enoch McCann, Water St
  42. Dorothy Gertrude Kearns, Wm E Kearns, Frederick St
  43. David Buchanan, Alex Buchanan, Forbes St
  44. Mary Frances Griffin, E Harrell, Water St
  45. Nellie Isabel McPherson, Angus McPherson, Lorne St
  46. Wilhelmina Bowen, George Bowen, Little Harbor Road
  47. Norman Covell, GR Covell, Archimedes St
  48. Thomas Hopper Covell, GR Covell, Archimedes St

Alternate Details

Teacher: Margaret Anne Banuerman

Trustees and Secretary: McLeod

File number: SRNGW1918-1919
Contributor:    Christine Parada | View all submissions
Tags: New Glasgow, East Pictou, student, students, class, age, enrollment, enrolled, grade, year, month, day, attendance, birthday
Views: 204
Uploaded on: April 21, 2023

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