Description School Register, New Glasgow, 1918-1919

Name of pupil and the name and address of their parent or guardian.

  1. Elmer James Cameron, Evan Cameron, Mountain Rd
  2. Elmer Horton Patton, Clarence Patton, Robertson St
  3. George Arthur McMillan, DS McMillan, Glasgow St
  4. James Robert McMillan, DS McMillan, Glasgow St
  5. John Irving Nichols, William Nichols, Townsend Ave
  6. Milton Cameron Holmes, Andrew Holmes, Trenton Rd
  7. Donald Alexander McPherson, Angus McPherson, Lorne St
  8. George Bruce McQuarrie, George McQuarrie, Bernard St
  9. Ellis Newton Roulston, George L Roulston, Robertson
  10. Sadie Annie Doucette, Isner Doucette, George St
  11. Mary McEwan, James McEwan, Alexander St
  12. Laura Steavenson Tucker, William Tucker, High St
  13. Dorothy Sutherland, David Sutherland, Mountain Rd
  14. Jean Sutherland, David Sutherland, Mountain Rd
  15. Margaret Grace Murray, Cassie E McLean, Frasers Mt
  16. Esther Gertrude Gerry, Mrs Daniel Gerry, Frasers Mt
  17. Jean McKay Ross, Ina M Ross, Summit Ave
  18. Mildred Sara Innes, William B Innes, Aberdeen Ave
  19. Clara Edna Des Barres, AH Des Barres, Brookside Ave
  20. Marion Caroline Hemessy, Mrs William Hemessy, Brookside Ave
  21. Dorothy Mabel Stewart, Robert Stewart, Carleton St
  22. Isabelle Fraser Robb, Mrs JC Fraser, High St
  23. Ena Elizabeth McLeod, John P McLeod, Brookside Ave
  24. James Edgar Bowran, Daniel Bowran, Mountain Rd
  25. Blanche Finley, Howard Finley, Carleton St
  26. William Stramberg Gammon, Spurgeon Gammon, George St
  27. Famy Taplin, W Taplin, Carleton St
  28. Daisy Jean Sharpe
  29. Mary Baldock
  30. Fred Coucette
  31. Clarence Theodore Clark
  32. Robert Arthur Ross
  33. Annie Bertha McKay
  34. Thom McLean

Alternate Details

Teacher: Ruth MacDonald

Trustees and Secretary: McLeod

File number: SRNGSW1918-1919
Contributor:    Christine Parada | View all submissions
Tags: New Glasgow, East Pictou, student, students, class, age, enrollment, enrolled, grade, year, month, day, attendance, birthday
Views: 214
Uploaded on: April 19, 2023

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