Description School Register, New Glasgow, 1918-1919

Name of pupil and the name and address of their parent or guardian.

  1. William Andrew Diamond, Mr John Diamond, Military St New Glasgow
  2. William Patrick Mencil, Mr Charles Mencil, Stellarton Rd, NS
  3. Margaret Ellen Marshall, Mr Robert Marshall, Munroe Ave, NS
  4. Lecetia Nicholson, Mr Arch Nicholson Stell Rd New Glasgow NS
  5. Donald Lawrence Moriorty, Mr John Moriorty, Cos George Clyde St New Glasgow
  6. Anna Jane McDonald, Mr DJ MacDonald, Munroe Ave, New Glasgow NS
  7. Donald Gunn, Mr AM Gunn, Abercrombie Rd, New Glasgow NS
  8. Frank Telley, Mr Tees Tilley, Albion St New Glasgow NS
  9. Marguerite McKay, Mr JH McKay, New Glasgow NS
  10. Lida May Nichols, Mr Henry Nichols, Willow Ave New Glasgow NS
  11. Cecelia Maud McInnis, Mrs M McInnis, New Glasgow NS
  12. Constance Henderson, Mr A Henderson, Company St, New Glasgow NS
  13. John Henry McMillan, Mrs Caroline McMillan, Willow Ave New Glasgow NS
  14. William Robert Morton, Mr Forest D Morton, Clyde St, New Glasgow NS
  15. Evelyn Della Scott, Mr Walter Scott, Maple Ave New Glasgow NS
  16. Margaret Christena Forbes, Mr H Forbes, Bell St New Glasgow NS
  17. Jean Elizabeth Muir, Mr JJ Muir, Stellarton Rd New Glasgow NS
  18. Donald Albert Ross, Mr Wm R Ross, Abercrombie Rd New Glasgow NS
  19. Margaret Cameron Mckenzie, Mr Kenneth McKenzie, Abercrombie Rd New Glasgow NS
  20. Arthur William McClure,  Mr R Robt McClure, Stellarton Rd, New Glasgow NS
  21. Edgar William Davenport, Mr David E Davenport, Maple Ave New Glasgow NS
  22. Alen Marshall, Mr Robt Marshall, Munro Ave New Glasgow NS
  23. Audrey Ellis Richard, Mr John Richard, Munroe Ave New Glasgow NS
  24. Audrey Madeline Robert, Mr John W Robert, Albion St New Glasgow NS
  25. John Warman, Mr John Warman, Terrace St New Glasgow NS
  26. Isabel Blanche Thisle, Mr Clement W Thristle, Stellarton Rd New Glasgow NS
  27. John MacDougall, mr George TC McDougall, Munro Ave, New Glasgow NS
  28. Hilda Leah Langly, Mrs Robt Davidson, Willow Ave New Glasgow NS
  29. Earl Luthead, mr luthead, Arch St New Glasgow NS
  30. Charles Lester Stevenson, Mr James H Stevenson, Stellarton Rd New Glasgow NS
  31. Violet Boone, Mr Wesley Boone, Egerton St New Glasgow NS
  32.  Charles MacIntosh, Mr E Malcolm McIntosh Stellarton Rd New Glasgow NS
  33. Margaret Murray, Mr Willard Murray, George St New Glasgow NS
  34. Anna May McDonald, Mr Alex B McDonald, Stellarton Rd New Glasgow NS
  35. Helen Margaret Barkhouse, Mr Joshua Barkhouse, Abercrombie Rd New Glasgow NS
  36. Devina beck, Mr James H Beck, Arch St New Glasgow NS
  37. Willow Venetta Martha Coombs, Mr Nathaniel Coombs, Westville Rd New Glasgow NS
  38. Fredrick Byron Gellespie, Mr George Gellespie, Company St, New Glasgow NS
  39. Walter Archibald McDonald, Mr Duncan McDonald, Willow Ave New Glasgow NS
  40. William Oliver Blois, Mr WO Blois, Ambercrombie Rd New Glasgow NS
  41. Laura Hadgson, Mr E Hadgson, View St New Glasgow NS
  42. Gladys May Campbell, Mr SH Campbell, View St New Glasgow NS
  43. Chester Fraser, Mr Alfred Fraser, Westwood New Glasgow NS
  44. Robert Hattie, Mr Hugh Hattie, Company St New Glasgow NS
  45. Gilbert mcDonald, Mr H McDonald, Terrace St New Glasgow NS
  46. James Ernest Turner, Mr Harry W Turner, Cameron Ave New Glasgow NS
  47. Hugh Allan McEachern, Mr H McEachern, George St New Glasgow NS
  48. Clarence Elwood Wilson, Mr James Wilson, View St New Glasgow NS
  49. James Allan, Mr james Allan, Maple Ave New Glasgow NS
  50. Mildred Lilian Horne, Mr Joseph Horne, Arch St New Glasgow NS
  51. Fred Marshall, Mr Rbt Marshall, Munro Ave New Glasgow NS
  52. Clara Marshall, Mr Robt Marshall, Munro Ave New Glasgow NS
  53. Reginald Lockhart McKay, Mr Wm McKay, Abercrombie Rd New Glasgow NS
  54. Clyde Lionel McKay, Mr Wm McKay, Abercrombie Rd New Glasgow NS
  55. Ella Sarah McKay, Mr Geo S McKay, Abercrombie Rd New Glasgow NS
  56. Edith Myrtle Bigsby, Mrs G Armsworthy, View St New Glasgow NS
  57. Bertha Maud Davidson, Mr Wm Davidson, New Glasgow NS
  58. John Gillan, Mr John Gillan, Company St New Glasgow NS
  59. Glen McBean, Mr John McBean New Glasgow NS
  60. Sidney Green, Mr Ben Gunn, Campbell Lane New Glasgow NS

Alternate Details

Teacher: Edna Catherine Robertson

Trustees and Secretary: McLeod

File number: SRNEWG1918-1919
Contributor:    Christine Parada | View all submissions
Tags: New Glasgow, East Pictou, student, students, class, age, enrollment, enrolled, grade, year, month, day, attendance, birthday
Views: 201
Uploaded on: April 18, 2023

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