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Description School Register, New Glasgow, 1918-1919

Name of pupil and the name and address of their parent or guardian.

  1. Howard Ballantyne, Roderick Balantyne, Woodburn, NS
  2. Edwin Theodore Bliss, JH Bliss, Eureka, NS
  3. Eleanor Douglas Brown, HN Brown, Mountain Rd New Glasgow
  4. Kathrine Elizabeth Campbell, SW Campbell, Trenton Rd New Glasgow
  5. Mary Janette Chisholm, Alex Chisholm, Blue Mountain NS
  6. Louise Alice Conway, Mrs GC Conway, Eureka NS
  7. Catherine Collie Copeland, Wallace Copeland, Archmemedes St New Glasgow
  8. Jeanne Patterson Dunn, Miss Helen Brown, Summit Ave New Glasgow
  9. Alila Elizabeth Flockhart, Warren Flockhart, Elen St New Glasgow
  10. Elizabeth Mary Fraser, Ben Fraser, Temperance St New Glasgow
  11. Edwin Stanton Fraser, ED Fraser, Mitchell St New Glasgow
  12. Donald MacDonald Grant, DM Grant, Eureka St NS
  13. John Hugh Paul Grant, Mrs Angus Grant, W Merigomish NS
  14. Mary Elizabeth Grant, Mrs Edward Grant, Granville St New Glasgow
  15. George Douglas Green, Thomas Green, Abercrombie Rd, New Glasgow
  16. John Arthur Hogg, Charles Hogg, New Glasgow
  17. Julia Marian Matheson, JA McNeil, 677 Helen St New Glasgow
  18. Charlotte Maitland Maynard, Mrs Ida Maynard, Granville St New Glasgow
  19. Margaret Macaulay, RG  Macaulay, High St, New Glasgow
  20. Alice McKenzie McCaskill, Alex MaCaskill, Frederick St New Glasgow
  21. Ernest Carl MacDonald, Charles D MacDonald, Trenton New Glasgow
  22. William MacGregor, PA MacGregor, Kirk Hill New Glasgow
  23. Malcena Grace MacIver, Mrs JJ MacDearmid, Donald St New Glasgow
  24. Ethel Isabel McKay, Dr JW McKay, High St New Glasgow
  25. Maizie Isabel MacKay, Henry F MacKay, McLean St New Glasgow
  26. John Wallace McLean, JH McLean, Eureka NS
  27. Donald Ross McLeod, John R McLeod, Brookside Ave, New Glasgow
  28. James Edward MacLeod, Edward E McLeod, Merigomish Rd
  29. Kathleen Alexandra McLeod, WW MacLeod, High St
  30. James Alexander Muir, Mrs SK Muir, Eureka, NS
  31. Joseph Roy Murray, Joseph Murray, Marah St, New Glasgow
  32. Andrew Wallace Murray, Aw Murray, Bon 370 New Glasgow
  33. Wilfred Kingsley Murray, Robert Murray McLean St New Glasgow
  34. Norman Renton Olding, Mrs EE Olding, Forbes St New Glasgow
  35. Harry Coll Park, Everett Park, Marsh St, New Glasgow
  36. Elizabeth Muriel Patton, Mrs Clarence Patton, New Glasgow
  37. Irene Blanche Reddick, Frederick G Reddick, Trenton NS
  38. Harold Cameron Reeves, William Reeves, New Glasgow
  39. James MacMillan Reid, HH Reid, Eureka NS
  40. Harold Trueman Ripley, EM Ripley, 517 Nelson St New Glasgow
  41. Maud Elizabeth Sinclair, Mrs J glen Grant, Mitchell St New Glasgow
  42. Norman Ross Sinclair, DD Sinclair, Chance Hr NS
  43. Frank Copeland Smith, A Fisher Smith, Abercrombie Rd New Glasgow
  44. Helen Christene Stewart, James Stewart, N Provost St, New Glasgow
  45. Samuel Con Strickland, JB Strickland, Trenton New Glasgow
  46. Eugene Keith Tanner, George Tanner, Cottage St New Glasgow
  47. Harold Burton Torey, JB Torey, Brookside Ave, New Glasgow
  48. Jennie Marguerite Waldren, George R Waldren, Lavina St New Glasgow
  49. Frederick William Wright, Dr FW Wright, High St New Glasgow
  50. Samuel Chisholm, JR Chisholm, Brookside Ave New Glasgow
  51. Katherine Joan Armitage, JW Armitage, 110 Norma St New Glasgow
  52. Dora, Christine MacDonald, John A MacDonald, Eden Lake NS
  53. Jane Grant Cameron, Angus Cameron, Woodfield NS
  54. Mary Catherine MacDonald, Dan A MacDonald, New Glasgow
  55. Catherine A MacDonald, Dan A MacDonald, New Glasgow
  56. Edna Shatford Fraser, ES Fraser Maple Ave New Glasgow
  57. Albert Lawson McLaren, John McLaren, MacDonald St New Glasgow
  58. Hazel Elizabeth Ramsay, Rev EH Ramsay, New Glasgow
  59. Alice Blois, Wm Blois, Abercrombie Rd New Glasgow

Alternate Details

Teacher: Alexander G Baillie

File number: SR19181919
Contributor:    Christine Parada | View all submissions
Tags: New Glasgow, East Pictou, student, students, class, age, enrollment, enrolled, grade, year, month, day, attendance, birthday
Views: 215
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023

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