Description School Register, New Glasgow, Grade 1 & 2, 1918-1919

Name of pupil and the name and address of their parent or guardian.

  1. Jean Graham Church, Mr John D Church, High St
  2. Hazel Porter, Mr John A Porter, Trenton Rd
  3. Jessie Beveridge MacLeod, Mr Sinclair McLeod, Aberdeen Ave
  4. Katherine Jean Moss Lrotter, Mr CS Lrotter, George St
  5. Sydney McL Smith, Mr Syney G Smith, Brookside Ave
  6. Milton Langille, Mr Dan Langille, River St
  7. Chester Langille, Mr Dan Langille, River St
  8. Ruth Madeline Leonard, Mr George G Leonard, River St
  9. Annie Jean Leonard, Mr George G Leonard, River St
  10. Priscilla Jane Moore, Mr Joseph E Moore, McNeil St
  11. Lloyd Fraser Thompson, Mr James A Thompson, Mountain Rd
  12. James Drummond MacGregor, Mr RM MacGregor, Hunter St
  13. Katherine Grant Langille, Mrs Vernon Langille, Acadia St
  14. Laura Mae Ryan, Mr JJ Ryan, Riverside St
  15. Allan Burgess Ramsay, Mr JA Ramsay, Almont Ave
  16. James Archibald Ramsay, Mr JA Ramsay, Almont Ave
  17. John George Boreman, Mr JS Boreman, Lorne St
  18. Frederick William Baldad, Mrs James Taplen, Carleton St
  19. Sunny Albert Thompson, Mrs Carrie Thompson, Provost St
  20. Welyn Reynolds, Mrs Michael Reynolds, Glasgow St
  21. Annie Mary Mac Eachern, Mr Archie MacEachern, Norma St
  22. Ida Doret, Mr Archie Doret, Trenton Rd
  23. Daniel Polson Ross, Mr Rod W Ross, Little Harbor Rd
  24. Thelma Jean MacDougall, Mr Alex E MacDougall, Provost St
  25. Donald Cyril MacDougall, Mr Alex E MacDougall, Provost St
  26. Mary Lillian Fraser, Mr Martin Fraser, High St
  27. Doris Evelyn May Reynolds, Aj Reynolds Riverside
  28. Lovell Margarett Carmichael, Mr Stanley Carmichael, Provost St
  29. Nelson David Thompson, Mrs Carrie Thompson, Provost St
  30. Aubrey Russel Moore, Mr Joseph E Moore McNeil St
  31. Charlotte Katherine Williams, Mr Bert Williams, Lownsend
  32. Alexander Dunken Henderson, Mr John Henderson, Fraser St
  33. William Smith Henderson, Mr John Henderson, Fraser St
  34. William Paull Horne, Mr Geo W Horne, Little Harbor Rd
  35. Sarah Jean MacDonald, Mr John L MacDonald, Trenton Rd
  36. James Binnie Moir, Mr James Moir, High St
  37. Earle Fraser Horne, Mr D Marshall, Horne St Harbor Rd
  38. Kenneth John MacKenzie, Mr Dan MacKenzie, Riverside St
  39. Helen Perle Elizabeth MacLaggan, Mr CE MacLaggan, George St
  40. Marion Isabel Fraser, Mr Will Fraser, High St
  41. Barbara Ellen Demings, Mr Demings, Mountain Rd
  42. RuthCatherine McEachern, Mrs Archie MacEachern, Norma St
  43. Sarah Marjorie Ross, Mr Rod W Ross, Little Harbor Rd
  44. Ronald Albeert Steeves, Mr Josesph E Steeves, Little Harbor Rd
  45. Elsie Muriel Steeves, Mr Joseph W Steeves, Little Harbor Rd
  46. Christine Rachel Arbuckle, Mr John J Arbuckle, Fraser St
  47. Mable Wetmore Leonard, Mr George G Leonard, River
  48. Inez Williams, Mr Gordon Williams, Towns
  49. James Brothers, Lucker, Mr Wm J Lucker, High St
  50. Edith May MacIntyre, Mr Wm H McIntyre, Aberdeen Ave
  51. Frederick Lyson Koph, Mr Frederick Koph, George St
  52.  Archie Williams MacLeod, Mr Sinclair McLeod Aberdeen Ave
  53. Bertha Lena Thompson, Mrs Carrie Thompson, provost St
  54. Jessie Christena Reid, Mr Andrew Reid, Little Harbor Rd
  55. Laura Annie Henderson, Mr John Henderson, Fraser St
  56. Ethel May Crosby, Mr Rosswald R Crosby
  57. Charles Robert Bowran, Mr Daniel Bowran
  58. Alexander Covell, Mr GR Covell, Provost St
  59. John Homer Henderson, Mr John Henderson, Fraser St
  60. Harry Murray Henderson, Mr John Henderson, Fraser St

Alternate Details


Teacher: Alex G Baillie

File number: SRNG1819-1919G1&2
Contributor:    Christine Parada | View all submissions
Tags: New Glasgow, East Pictou, student, students, class, age, enrollment, enrolled, grade, year, month, day, attendance, birthday
Views: 200
Uploaded on: April 12, 2023

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