Description School Register, New Glasgow, 1918-1919

Name of pupil and the name and address of their parent or guardian.

  1. Eileen Almira Cameron, Mrs Frank Cameron, Lavinia St
  2. Jean McDonald, Mr Alex McDonald, Mitchell St
  3. Martha Matilda Ross, Mr Wm H Ross, Dunbar Ave
  4. Margaret Elsie Ross, Mr Wm H Ross, Dunbar Ave
  5. Sybil Margaret Doly, Mr Joseph M Doly, Military St
  6. LoisFlorence McLeod, Mr Joseph McLeod, Albion St
  7. Georgina Boone, Mr Wesley Boone, Egerton St
  8. Donald Earle McPherson, Mr Kenneth McPherson, Willow Ave
  9. John Allister Baillie, Mr Hugh Baillie, Willow Ave
  10. Willoughly Edward Fraser, Mr James T Fraser, Herbert St
  11. Earl Roddie Christie, Mr Peter Christie, Willow Ave
  12. Ada Murdene McDonald, Mr Rod McDonald, Albion St
  13. Jessie Agnes Christie, Mr Peter Christie, Willow Ave
  14. Mary Catherine forbes, Mr Thomas H Forbes, Bell St
  15. Nan Wilson Lorimer, Chas S Lorimer, Abercrombie Rd
  16. Pearl McIntosh, Mr Gilchrist A McIntosh, Stellarton Rd
  17. Margaret Alfreda Rose, Mr John J Rose, View St
  18. William Sinclair Munro, Mr Hugh S Munro, Stellarton Rd
  19. Melvin Clifford Corrigen, mrs Ida Carrigan, View St
  20. George Munro Grant, Mr J Glen Grant, Mitebell St
  21. Cecil earl Johnson, Mr Robert Johnson, Abercrombie Rd
  22. Harry Austin, Mr Henry Austin, Clyde St
  23. Albert McKay, mr George McKay, Dunbar Ave
  24. Cameron Crowell, Mrs Kate Crowell, Abercrombie Rd
  25. Campbell Douglas, Mr John Douglas, Campbell Ave
  26. Douglas Logan Gordon, Mr James Gordon, Maple Ave
  27. Grant Earl Scott, Mr Water Scott, Maple Ave
  28. Arthur Reginald McCollum, Mr rob S McCollum, Willow Ave
  29. Gordon John Eaton, Mr Percy H Eaton, Maple Ave
  30. Harvey Gillmore Cameron, Mrs Grant Cameron, Lavinia St
  31. Warren Benjamin Horme, Mr Chas D Horne, Lavinia
  32. Mary Denney Ramsay, Rev Edv Ramsay, Abercrombie Rd
  33. Bob McKay, Mr George McKay, Abercrombie Rd
  34. James David McInnis, Mr Ronald McInnis, Stellarton Rd
  35. William McCann, Mr William McCann, Stellarton Rd
  36. Anna Keith, Mrs Francis Price, View St
  37. George Frederick McLean, Mrs Howard M McLean, Bell St
  38. Hazel Mildred Milligan, Mr Fred A Milligan, Maple Ave
  39. Donald Ross McKay, Mr Sydney R McKay, Herbert St
  40. Helen Smith, Mr Thomas Smith, Munro Ave
  41. Annie Elizabeth Smith, Mr Thomas Smith, Munro Ave
  42. Arthur James Doly, Mr Abram Doly, Browns Ave
  43. Sarah Costy Muirhead, Mrs Adelia Muirhead, Maple Ave

Alternate Details

Teacher: Olive Rosina Wadden

Trustees and Secretary: McLeod

File number: SR1918-1919
Contributor:    Christine Parada | View all submissions
Tags: New Glasgow, East Pictou, student, students, class, age, enrollment, enrolled, grade, year, month, day, attendance, birthday
Views: 189
Uploaded on: April 11, 2023

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