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Description School Register, New Glasgow, 1918-1919

Name of pupil and the name and address of their parent or guardian.

  1. Edith Rebecca Fraser, Mrs Rebecca Fraser, Washinton St
  2. Belle Helena Herron, Mr Purvis Herron, Glasgow St
  3. Marshall Graywood Reeves, Mr Wm Reeves Mtn Road
  4. Jean Isabel Chisholm, Mr Jas A Chisholm, Temperance St
  5. Hazel Dean Hamilton, Mr John J Hamilton, Temperance St
  6. Donald Cormie MacKay, Mr Henry F MacKay, MacLean St
  7. Kathleen Francis McNeil, Mr Frank J McNeil, Glasgow St
  8. Hester Isabel Small, Mr John Small, James St
  9. Horace Sutherland Olding, Mr EE Olding, Forbes St
  10. Leonard Frederick Baker, Mr J Baker Forbes St
  11. Wilbert Clifford Sutherland, Mr DP Sutherland, Nelson St
  12. Henrietta May Robson, Mr WA Robson, Albert St
  13. Samuel Manry, Mr Henry Manry,
  14. Charlie Barber, Mr Samuel Barker, Route No.2
  15. Howard Bouron, Mr Dan Sr Bouron, Fraser Mtn
  16. Isabel Brooks, Mr Geo w Brooks, Plymouth
  17. Hector Robertson, JD Robertson, Lorna St
  18. Florence Blanche Hardy, Mr Chas Hardy, Forbes St
  19. Edna Clara Wood, Mr Alex Wood, McDonald St
  20. Hazel Dorothy Rogers, Mrs Sarah J Rogers, McDonald St
  21. Archibald Hugh McDonald, Mr HB McDonald, Aberdeen
  22. Samuel Blumer, Mr Albert Blumer, McDonald St
  23. Wilson Tennyson Knight, Mr Dan Knight, Chisholm St
  24. Reginald Slater, Mr George Slater, McColl St
  25. James Thomas Connell, Mr Jess Connell, Temperance St
  26. Marion Elizabeth McGregor, Mr Simon McGregor, East River
  27. Roderick Campbell Chisholm, Mr JW Chisholm, Washington St
  28. Katherine Grace McNeil, Mr Harry McNeil, Washington St
  29. Clifford Cecil Bouron, Mr Dan H Bouron, Fraser Mtn
  30. Bessie Katherine MacKenzie, Mr Me MacKenzie, Granville St
  31. Eva MacDougal, Mr Jas MacDougall, South St
  32. William Chadwick, Mr S&C Chadwick, Carleton
  33. Janet Florence McIntosh, Mr Alex A McIntosh, Lorne St
  34. Beulah Lily Patton, Mr Clarence A Patton, Lorne St
  35. Catherine Blair Chisholm, Mr Wm Dand Chisholm MacLean St
  36. Margaret Pryon MacKay, Mr Henry F MacKay Maclean St
  37. Douglas William Fraser, Mr John G Fraser, Brother St
  38. Eva Mary Bauron, Mr Dan St Bauron Frasers Mtn
  39. Olive Katherine Grant, Mr Wm M Grant Bernard St
  40. Isabel Mary Shepherd, Mr Wm Shepherd, Vale Roads
  41. Nellie Ingles Moscardini, Mr C Moscardini, McDonald St
  42. Florence Livingston Weir, Mr WA Weir, MacLean St
  43. Margaret Jean Tattrie, Mr Geo L Tattrie, Pleasant St
  44. Vera Louis Horton, Mr Milton Horton, Line St
  45. Eva May Taplin, Mr James Taplin, Carleton St
  46. Myrtle Leona Dimock, Mrs Jane Dimock, Marsh St
  47. Elizabeth Olive Gyles, Mrs RE Gyles, Marsh St
  48. Stanley Murray McKay, Mr Robert MacKay, Temperance St
  49. Mary Elma Chisholm, Mr Wm Dand Chisholm, MacLean St
  50. George David Duncan, Mr James Duncan, East River Rd
  51. James Arthur Sanderson, Mr James Sanderson, McDonald St
  52. Dorothy Mary McPherson, Mr Angus McPherson, Lorne St
  53. Hilda St Claire Dunn, mr Arthur C Dunn, Parkdale
  54. Beatrice annie Ritchie, Mr William Ritchie, Chisholm St
  55. Minnifred Lewis

Alternate Details

Teacher: M Bernice Bonyman

Trustees and Secretary: J McLeod

File number: SRNG1919
Contributor:    Christine Parada | View all submissions
Tags: New Glasgow, East Pictou, student, students, class, age, enrollment, enrolled, grade, year, month, day, attendance, birthday
Views: 208
Uploaded on: April 11, 2023

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