Description School Register, Cross Roads, Rogers Hill, 1908-1909

Name of pupil and the name and address of their parent or guardian.

  1. Isabel Gertude Stewart, Mr Lawrence Stewart, Rogers Hill
  2. Lawrence Gordon Stewart, Mr Lawrence Stewart, Rogers Hill
  3. Robert Lelswin Stewart, John Stewart, Rogers Hill
  4. Bessie Katherine McQuarrie, Mr James H McQuarrie, Rogers Hill
  5. Ruel Harvey, Mr James H McQuarrie, Rogers Hill
  6. Willie Matheson Creighton,, Mr Alfred Creighton, Rogers Hill
  7. Elbert Irving Creighton, Mr Alfred Creighton, Rogers Hill
  8. Marvin Fraser, Mr Alfred Creighton, Rogers Hill
  9. George Harold Robley, Mr Isaac Robley, Durham
  10. Christine Ella Robley, Mr Isaac Robley, Durham
  11. Annie Isabelle Robley, Mr Isaac Robley, Durham
  12. Gladys McKean, Mr Willie S McKean, Rogers Hill
  13. Georgia Murray, Mrs Anabel Murray, Rogers Hill
  14. Fulton Meir McKean, Mrs Willie S McKean, Rogers Hill
  15. Blanche Elva McQuarrie, Mr James H McQuarrie, Rogers Hill
  16. Cyril Brenton McKean, Mr Willie S McKean, Rogers Hill
  17. Roderick McKenzie Robley, Mr Isaac robley, Rogers Hill
  18. Harry Aldridge, Mr Geo Wm McKenzie, Rogers Hill

Alternate Details


Teacher: Anabelle McMillan, Elizabeth McLeod

Trustees and Secretary: John Stewart, James A McQuarrie, John R Fraser, KI Matheson

Inspector and Other School Officers:  EL Armstrong

Other Visitors:

Rev CJ Crowdis, Rev WA Ross, Norman McKay, Mabel W Robely, Mrs LM Stewart, Mr Geo Wm  McKenzie, Mrs Dan McKenzie, Mrs SM Stewart, Mrs AS McKean

File number: SRCR1908-1909
Contributor:    Christine Parada | View all submissions
Tags: Section 29, Cross Roads, Rogers Hill, North Pictou, Pictou, student, students, class, age, enrollment, enrolled, grade, year, month, day, attendance, birthday
Views: 211
Uploaded on: March 29, 2023

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