Description School Register, Diamond School, 1919-1920

Name of pupil and the name and address of their parent or guardian.

  1. Olive Prescilla Gammon, Mrs Alexander Gammon, Diamond
  2. William Franklin Tattrie, Mr Frank Tattrie, Loganville
  3. Russel Vatlis Tattrie, Mr Frank Tattrie, Loganville
  4. Roderick Alexander Gammon, Mrs Alexander Gammon, Diamond
  5. Janetta Anna Tattrie, Mr Frank Tattrie, Loganville
  6. Stanley Smith Gammon, Mr Daniel Gammon, Diamond
  7. John Alexander MacKay, Mr Rod H MacKay, Diamond
  8. Evan Daniel Murray, Mr Alexander Murray, Meadows

Teacher: Annie Estella MacKay

Sec’y of Trustees: George MacKay

Other Visitors: Thomas Harbourne, WH Rae, JA Murray, MA Gammon, Lieut WF Rae, Bert Langille, Don Ella Ross, Sanford Gammon, George Ross, William McKay, Sandy Sutherland, Willa Sutherland, Alexander S Baillie, Mrs Geo D Ross, Peter W Sutherland, Sandy M Sutherland, Annie G MacKenzie, Mrs John MacDonald, Vattis Harringter

File number: SRDS1919-1920
Contributor:    Christine Parada | View all submissions
Tags: Section 21, Diamond School, student, students, class, age, enrollment, enrolled, grade, year, month, day, attendance, birthday
Views: 202
Uploaded on: March 24, 2023

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