Description School Register, Merigomish, 1909-1910

Name of pupil and the name and address of their parent or guardian.

  1. Catherine Crevar Dunn, Mr John W Dunn, Merigomish
  2. Mildred Elizabeth Mitchell, Mr David Mitchell, Merigomish
  3. John McGregor, Mr Alexander McGregor, Merigomish
  4. Catherine Adelaid Mitchell, Mr David Mitchell, Merigomish
  5. James Harold Dunn, Mr John W Dunn, Merigomish
  6. Elizabeth Stewart, Mrs Samuel Stewart, Merigomish
  7. Margaret Jane Foote, Mr James Foote, Merigomish
  8. Malcolm James McGregor, Mr Alexander McGregor, Merigomish
  9. Hazel Weir Smith, Mr Fisher Smith, Merigomish
  10. Rosanne Stewart, Mrs Samuel Stewart, Merigomish
  11. Charles Copeland, Mr John D Copeland, Merigomish
  12. Agnes Lavinia Copeland, Mr John D Copeland, Merigomish
  13. John Stewart, Mrs Samuel Stewart, Merigomish
  14. Juliaette Du Barry Dunn, Mr John W Dunn, Merigomish
  15. Alexander James McDonald, Mr William McDonald, Merigomish
  16. William David Foote, Mr James Foote, Merigomish
  17. Neil Butler McLaren, Mr Edward, Finlayson, Merigomish
  18. George Homer Smith, Mr Fisher Smith, Merigomish
  19. Katherine Foote, Mr James Foote, Merigomish
  20. Edward McDonald, Mr William McDonald, Merigomish
  21. Eva Finlayson McLaren, Mr David Finlayson, Merigomish
  22. Robert Fraser Stewart, Mrs Samuel Stewart, Merigomish
  23. Jeanne Patterson Dunn, Mr John W Dunn, Merigomish
  24. Frank Copeland Smith, Mr Fisher Smith, Merigomish
  25. Annie May McDonald, Mr William McDonald, Merigomish
  26. John Cameron, Mr Samuel Cameron, Merigomish
  27. Pearl Copeland, Mr John D Copeland, Merigomish
  28. FloraAnn Foote, Mr James Foote, Merigomish
  29. Helen Brown Dunn, Mr John Dunn, Merigomish
  30. Cora Evelyn huggan, Mr John Huggan, Merigomish
  31. Earle Frank Huggan, Mr John Huggan, Merigomish
  32. Paul Archibald Keating, Mr Malcolm Dewolfe, Merigomish
  33. Tom Forrest McLaren, Mr Edward Finlayson, Merigomish

Alternate Details

Teacher: Catherine Grant

Trustees and Secretary:

Mr Fisher Smith, Mr Samuel Cameron, Mr James Foote, Mr John Dunn

Inspector and other School Officers: E L Armstrong

Other Visitors:

Rev A S Weir, Mr W H Ward, G J Wagner, Mr James Foote, Master Grant Copeland, Mrs A McEuran, Mr Fisher Smith, Miss Florence Mitchell, Miss Bessie Dempsey, Mrs Samuel Stewart

File number: SRM1909-1910
Contributor:    Christine Parada | View all submissions
Tags: Section 41, South Pictou, Pictou, student, students, class, age, enrollment, enrolled, grade, year, month, day, attendance, birthday
Views: 213
Uploaded on: February 15, 2023

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