Description School Register, Merigomish, 1904-1905

Name of pupil and the name and address of their parent or guardian.

  1. Alex Rae Campbell, Rev A Campbell
  2. Bessie H Miller, Mr A P Miller
  3. Pattie McD Mitchell, Mr David Mitchell
  4. John Samuel Miller, Mr A P Miller
  5. Florence Mitchell, Mr David Mitchell
  6. James Cameron
  7. Arthur Campbell, Rev A Campbell
  8. Jennie Stewart, Mr S D Stewart
  9. Helen Brown Dunn, Mr J W Dunn
  10. E Mildred Mitchell, Mr David Mitchell
  11. Lawrence Campbell, Rev A Campbell
  12. John McGregor, Mr Alex McGregor
  13. Purdy Williams, Mr Olding
  14. Willie McGregor, Mr Alex McGregor
  15. Katherine Dunn, Mr J W Dunn
  16. Charles P A Miller, Mr A P Miller
  17. Joseph Stewart, Mr S D Stewart
  18. Willie Stewart, Mr S D Stewart
  19. Willard Craiggie, Mr Wm Craiggie
  20. Flora Foote, Mr James Foote
  21. Harold Dunn, Mr J W Dunn
  22. Katherine Mitchell, Mr David Mitchell
  23. Malcolm McGregor, Mr Alex McGregor
  24. Magnus Elwin Craiggie, Mr William Craiggie
  25. Maggie Foote, Mr James Foote
  26. Lizzie Stewart, Mr S D Stewart
  27. Florence Chisholm, Mr Alex Pushie
  28. John Cameron, Mr Samuel Cameron
  29. Juliet de Bary Dunn, Mr J W Dunn
  30. Ada Huggan, Mr J Huggan
  31. Cora Huggan, Mr J Huggan
  32. Earl Huggan, Mr J Huggan
  33. Henry Huggan, Mr J Huggan
  34. Agnes L Copeland, Mr John D Copeland
  35. Charles Copeland, Mr John D Copeland
  36. Alexander James McDonald, Mrs McDonald
  37. Anna Beatrice Foote, Mr Stephen Foote


Alternate Details

Teacher: Catherine McInnis

Trustees and Secretary:

A P Miller, Jas W Foote, Samuel Cameron, J W Dunn

Inspector and other School Officers: E L Armstrong

Other Visitors:

Helen Miller, rev A Campbell, Mrs T Olding, Mrs Albert Grant, Mrs McPherson, Miss Clarinda Miller, Mrs Sade Olding, Mr Willie O Cameron, Mr James R Ross, Mrs Helen Y Miller, Mr John Dunn, Mr James Foote, Mr S Cameron, Mr W O Cameron, Mrs A Campbell, Mrs J Dunn, Mrs F Smith, Miss Clarinda Miller, Miss Katie Mitchell, Miss Agnes Mitchell, Miss Pattie Mitchell, Miss Phebe Cameron

File number: SRM1904-1905
Contributor:    Christine Parada | View all submissions
Tags: Section 41, South Pictou, Pictou, student, students, class, age, enrollment, enrolled, grade, year, month, day, attendance, birthday
Views: 213
Uploaded on: February 14, 2023

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