Description School Register, Merigomish, 1895

Name of pupil and the name and address of their parent or guardian.

  1. Ralph Manning, Mr John Manning, Merigomish
  2. Ethel Beatrice Cameron, Mr James Cameron, Brownsville
  3. Clarinda Miller, Mr A O Willer, Merigomish
  4. Ida McGregor Smith, Mr Forbes Smith, Merigomish
  5. Kenneth James Mitchell, Mrs J Mitchell, Merigomish
  6. Harry Cummings, Mrs Cummings, Merigomish
  7. George Daniel Finlayson, Mr Edward Finlayson , Merigomish
  8. Ellen Young Miller, Mr A O Miller, Merigomish
  9. Ernest Simon Smith, Mr Forbes Smith, Merigomish
  10. Willie Owen Cameron, Mr James Cameron, Brownsville
  11. Bert Dewpsey, Mr Robert Dewpsey, Merigomish
  12. Helen Grace Mitchell, Mr David Mitchell, Merigomish
  13. Agnes Graut Mitchell, Mr David Mitchell, Merigomish
  14. Jessie McDonald, Mr Charles Robertson, Merigomish
  15. Marsha McDonald Mitchell, Mr David Mitchell, Merigomish
  16. James Alexander Cameron, Mr James Cameron, Brownsville
  17. Janet Catherine Swish, Mr Forbes Simpson, Merigomish
  18. Mabel Simpson, Mr James Simpson, Merigomish
  19. Forest Simpson, Mr James Simpson, Merigomish
  20. Josie Blanche McSudosh, Mr James Simpson, Merigomish
  21. Bessie Florence Dewpsey, Mr Robert Dewpsey, Merigomish
  22. Bessie Hunter Miller, A P Miller, Merigomish
  23. Ella Foote, Mr James Foote, Merigomish
  24. Forrest Finlayson, Mr Edward Finlayson, Merigomish
  25. Durnham Lord Mindchell, Mrs J Mitchell, Merigomish
  26. Annie Maud Dewpsey, Mr Arthur Dewpsey, Merigomish
  27. Janet Dimpson, Mr John D Simpson, Merigomish
  28. Ada Lorraine Copeland, Mr Daniel S Copeland, Merigomish
  29. Willie Simon Copeland, Mr Daniel S Copeland, Merigomish
  30. Maggie Bella McDonald, Mr Hugh McDonald, Merigomish
  31. John Allan McDonald, Mr Hugh McDonald, Merigomish
  32. Edna Berrell Simpson, Mr John D Simpson, Merigomish
  33. Mand Simpson, Mr James Simpson, Merigomish
  34. Bertha Mary Huggan, Mr John Huggan, Merigomish
  35. Henry Huggan, Mr John Huggan, Merigomish
  36. Scott Copeland, Mrs Thos Copeland, Merigomish
  37. Robert Samuel Copeland, Mr John Samuel Copeland, Merigomish
  38. Willian Lynmanb Davis, Mr Matthew Simpson, Merigomish
  39. Duncan Huggan, Mr John Huggan, Merigomish
  40. John Norison Finlayson, Mr Edward Fenlayson, Merigomish
  41. Tina Dewpsey, Mr Arthur Dewpsey, Merigomish
  42. Carrie Scott Mithcell, Mr David Mitchell, Merigomish
  43. Clarence Simpson, Mr James Simpson, Merigomish
  44. Norman Scott Simpson, Mr James Simpson, Merigomish
  45. William MacDonald Simpson, Mr John Dewpson, Merigomish
  46. Milton Simpson, Mrs David Simpson, Merigomish
  47. William Huggan, Mr John Huggan, Merigomish
  48. NettieLily Huggan, Mr John Huggan, Merigomish
  49. James David MacDonalds, Mr Wm McDonald
  50. Teresa Copeland, Mrs ThOs Copeland, Merigomish
  51. Rudolf Mackay, Mr Charles MacKay, Merigomish

Alternate Details

Teacher: Arch. A. McDonald

Substitute Teachers: Ida Maude McPhie and Maggie Simpson

Trustees and Secretary:

Mr Duncan MacIntosh, Mr A.P. Miller, Mr Ed. Finlayson, Mr W.C. Olding

Inspector and other School Officers: W.E MacLillan

Other Visitors:

Mr DA MacLeod, Miss Angeline MacLeod, Mr Geo MacKenzie, Mr James Smith, Mr Leonard Huggan, Mr Dan Cameron, Mr John Dunn, Mr Jacob Copeland, Miss Sadie Roy, Rev. Alex Campbell, Miss Amy Finlayson, Miss Ethel Dempsey, Miss Katie Mitchell, Miss Anggie Roy, Mr Mill Mitchell, Mr Fred Mitchell, Miss Maud Grant, Miss Bertha Miller, Miss Maggie Cummings, Mr John Cameron, Mrs Robert Dempsey, Mrs Marion Forbes, Mr John Smith, John Doull, Senrietta Smith, Maggie Forbes, Georgie G MacIncan, Mr and Mrs J W Dunn, Mr James Cameron, Mr Wallace Copeland, Mr Andrew Miller, Miss Katie Mitchell, Miss Kate Dunn, Miss Jane Simpson, Miss Hellen Dunn, Mr Jas Smith, Miss Ellen Mae Gregor, Miss MacDonald

File number: SRM1895
Contributor:    Christine Parada | View all submissions
Tags: Section 41, South Pictou, Pictou, student, students, class, age, enrollment, enrolled, grade, year, month, day, attendance, birthday
Views: 250
Uploaded on: February 13, 2023

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