Description School Register, Piedmont Valley, 1907

Name of pupil and the name and address of their parent or guardian.


  1. Margaret Dawson McDonald, Mr James A McDonald, Piedmont Valley
  1. Ella McKay, Mrs Duncan Roberson, Piedmont Valley
  2. Katherine May Haggart, Mr James Haggart, Piedmont Valley
  3. Sarah Janet McDonald, Mr James A McDonald, Piedmont Valley
  4. Joanna Isabel McDonald, Mr James A McDonald, Piedmont Valley
  5. Donald Ross Haggart, Mr James Haggart, Piedmont Valley
  6. Daniel Hibbert Campbell Robertson, Mr Robert Robertson, Piedmont Valley
  7. William Harold Robertson, Mr Robert Robertson, Piedmont Valley
  8. William Robert Haggart, Mr James Haggart, Piedmont Valley
  9. Catherine Annie Auld, Mr William T Auld, Piedmont Valley
  10. Angus McKay Auld, Mr William T Auld, Piedmont Valley
  11. Luther Rodson, Mr Charles Robson. Piedmont Valley
  12. Robert Cameron, Mr Samuel Cameron, Piedmont Valley
  13. George Melvin Whitman, Mrs C A Cameron, Piedmont Valley
  14. Walter Holmes Smith, Mr Robert Smith, Piedmont Valley
  15. James Harold Robertson, Mr Walter Robertson, Truro Col. Co.
  16. Anna Pear McIntosh, Mr Charles McIntosh, Piedmont Valley
  17. Christena May McIntosh, Mr Thomas R McIntosh, Piedmont Valley
  18. Hughena Catherine McMillan, Mr Daniel McMillan, Piedmont Valley
  19. Alonzo Pattau McMillan, Mr Daniel McMillan, Piedmont Valley

Alternate Details

Teacher: Elizabeth J Stather

Trustees and Secretary:

Mr J A MacDonald, Mr Daniel McKenzie, Mr Hugh Ross, Mr Robert Smith,

Other Visitors:

A Campbell, H R Graut, Mr Daniel Robertson, Mrs Robert Robertson, Mrs Y R McIntosh, Miss E M McDonald, H L McIntosh, E G Robertson

File number: SRPV1907
Contributor:    Christine Parada | View all submissions
Tags: Section 42, South Pictou, Pictou, student, students, class, age, enrollment, enrolled, grade, year, month, day, attendance, birthday
Views: 192
Uploaded on: February 7, 2023

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