Description Hotel Wallace and Peter O. Carroll's Saloon

Article from the Pictou Advocate, 13 June 1905

Scott Act Inspector McMillan, of New Glasgow, accompanied by Constables McKay and Morrison of Pictou and Rev. H. R. Grant, under authority of search warrants, paid official visits to Hotel Wallace and Peter O. Carroll's saloon on Saturday afternoon last, while a large crowd of interested onlookers awaited results.  At Hotel Wallace the officers were courteously received and given every facility to go over the premises without braking lock.  They made a most thorough search from cellar to attic, into every nook and corner, even to turning over mattresses in some of the bedrooms but found no iquor or beer.  At Carroll's saloon, on Creighton St., they had to force an entrance and found some beer in casks and some in bottles, which they confiscated and hold pending decision of the court.  This case was called this morning but was adjourned until Saturday next.  These two places were the only ones visited but it may be of interest to the officers and others to know that an hour after Mr. McMillan left town the dives were open for business as usual.  A truck driven down Water St., about 7:30 p.m., had on it at least three barrels of beer, two of which were openly delivered before more than a hundred citizens who had gathered to listen to music made by a concert band in front of Advocate Hall.  If delivery on Saturday evening was so urgent, where those places quiet all day Sunday?  The hotel man who sells liquor is a law-breaker and should be made to observe the law to the extend to which local public opinion says he should observe it, — this much at the very least, but why search and orderly conducted hotel for liquor, when the town is full of places where intoxicating beer is sold at any hour, day or night, Saturday or Sunday?

File number: PA13061905p1
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Scott Act, Scott Act Inspector McMillan, New Glasgow, Pictou town, Hotel Wallace, Peter O Carroll, Constable McKay, Constable Morrison, saloon, beer, liquor, search, seizure, 1905, Creighton Street, Water Street
Views: 528
Uploaded on: September 18, 2018
Source: Pictou Advocate

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